You aren't part of my plan and you never will.

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Bellas' POV

I cried and cried until my chest ache . I decided to get a grip and go get a shower . Thank God I have my own bathroom because I really didn't want to talk to anyone, my friends from high keep sending me messages to go off parting or something but I replied that I couldn't. Making up some random excuses.

After getting a shower I realised my body ached in places after last night , I blushed like crazy at the memory of last night. Why the hell did he bite me though?

I picked my underwear and my baggy clothes , when suddenly someone came into my room , I automatically turned around to see who it was, IF IT'S MY SISTER LILY , I WILL KILL THAT LITTLE BRAT WITH MY OWN HANDS. I held the towel around my body and turned around quickly.

What the hell was he doing here?He scanned my body and smiled. My wolf begged for him to touch me. I shook my head at that thought and looked at him, carefully. He was handsome, very .

"What are you doing here ?" I asked snapping out of the day dream.

"Dress up , we are going out." He demanded and jumped on my bed .

"I am not going anywhere, and now get out of my room ." I stated and crossed my arms.

"There is nothing to hide I saw everything last night. " He smirked at me. I picked up my clothes and went to the bathroom to changed shutting the door loudly and angrily. He is such a jerk urghh...

I came out of my bathroom to see him going through my stuff , the stuff I was packing to be exact.

"What are you doing?" I asked really pissed off. He looked at me and smiled, that smiled made my wolf excited and happy, I was about to smile back when I realised what I was doing and frowned.

"I was looking through your stuff." He simply answered. Does he know the meaning of privacy.

"Did you ask permission ? These stuff are pretty private."

"After last night we are one. What's mine is yours and what's yours mine." He said it with a cheeky smile, trying to be a smart ass won't work on me. pathetic. I was about to give him the speech that we are not one and he should forget about me and all , but he stood up from my bed and took my hand. The action was unexpected my wolf cried for more physical contact , his hand matched perfectly with mine. I didn't make a move when he started to walk towards  the door.

"Let's go." he said.

"I told you already that I am not going anywhere." I said stubbornly but not letting go of his hand . My wolf relaxed.

"Bella, we are going out , if you like it or not." He lips pronouced my name like it was holy and special made my heart speed up. I love the way he said my name , I wonder what it would sound like if he was moaning my name instead of 'baby or 'sweetheart' or 'love' like last night. Damn brain! Snap out of it. I blushed like an idiot.

'You are such a dirty girl you know. Heheh..' The voice in my head said sexily  . Damn jerk ! He can hear my thought that bastard he is going to pay!!  I blushed harder.

"Let's go." He laughed . That laugh is going to haunt me in my dreams , I know that for a fact.


"You leave me with no choice, Bella." he  said, I raised my eye brow, questioningly. The next thing I notice I was being thrown over his shoulder having a nice view of him back .


He just laughed and slapped my butt! JERK!!

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