Chapter 161

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Ashton's PoV:

The kids left the room after I shooed them out the door with the dogs, Michael, Luke, and Calum coming in to see what this was all about.

"Where did you get that?" Carters voice came out thin and shaky.

"We took it out of the trash after you ripped it up and pieced it back together. We know Carter, we read it." Ari replied as she stood there with her arms crossed.

Carter sat down on the arm of the sofa, her shoulders dropped and face fallen.

"You know about Cadwell." She whispered and in that moment I was confused and I saw the confusion on Ari and Jason's faces as well.

"Cadwell?" I asked before I could even stop myself.

"How much do you know?" Carter then asked Ari, ignoring my question.

"Wait? Carter, what the hell are you talking about?"

"What are you talking about?" Carter suddenly looked taken aback.

"I'm talking about how you lied about your parents life insurance policy. It's in your name, we read it! See!" She pulled out the letter and passed it to Carter. "To C. Chase."

"Cadwell Chase..." I spoke aloud and Carter nervously glanced at me. "It's Cadwell Chase not Carter Chase."

"Who's Cadwell?" Jason asked Carter and as she glanced around everyone I could see this wall she had built around her mind from ever dealing with this crumbling down around her.

She was no longer in a position where she could hide. She couldn't get angry, because she knew she had been hiding something. She couldn't get upset with us because it wasn't our fault she had hidden whoever this Cadwell person was from us.

But she was upset because she now had to face whatever she had been putting away for so long. She didn't want to admit to something, and she knew what it was, but we apparently didn't.

I thought she was just denying the fact that her parents had died and that's why she hadn't taken out their policy, because it would mean they were really dead if she did, but now I didn't know what to think.

She wasn't lying when she said that the account wasn't in her name. It was in Cadwells name. But who was he? And why hadn't her parents put their life insurance policy in Carters name?

It was silent on Carters side of the room, and Ari looked like she was shaking.

"Who is Cadwell, Carter?" She asked one more time.

Carter sucked in a sharp breath, looking like it pained her before she opened her mouth.

"He's my brother." She spoke so quietly I almost didn't hear her and shock hit me so hard I almost fell back.


Everyone else seemed as confused as me.

"Brother?" Ari questioned. "Your brother is Ender. You have another brother?"

"He's older." I spoke and Carter looked at me in shock.

"You knew?" She asked.

"No. I'm putting this together in my head as I speak. He has to be an older brother. Your parents didn't wait 17 years to have a kid, they had one before you and then you came along later. I'm right, aren't I?"

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя