Chapter 131

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Once I had descended the stand and took my seat next to Ashton, Mr. Jackson stood and. began to make his closing arguments.

He showed the judge the video of Gracie's interview with the social worker, recounted key points from Gracie's visit with Mr. Ramone, and then showed the photos and videos Ashton and I had chosen.

We chose sweet pictures of us ranging from us all curled up together in bed, from Ashton taking naps with Gracie, Gracie smearing a cream on my face from when we had our girls day with Ari, the one of her and Ashton standing at the counter brushing their teeth together and even the one I had taken a short while ago with Ashton holding Gracie up in his arms after her bath while she was wrapped up in her towel.

Then we showed private videos we hadn't shared on social media of Gracie just being her adorable self with us, like one Ashton had taken of Gracie while she was standing in front of him showing him a drawing.

"What did you draw a picture of baby girl?" He had asked her.

"You, me, and Mommy." She answered as she looked at her picture.

"Oh, can I see?"

She turned it around to show him.

"Wow, that's a good picture. I like how you made Mommy's hair blue."

"Mommy favourite colour blue!" She giggled.

"I know. You need to show Mommy the picture."

She nodded and then moved to lean against his legs, her head only able to reach his lower thigh.

He placed his hand on her head and she looked up to smile at him before he had turned off the video.

Judge Moulder nodded at everything at the end.

"We'll be back at nine tomorrow morning for the verdict deciding the custody of Parker Grace Irwin." He said and then dismissed the court.

Gracie was still asleep and we took her back to our conference room.

I went to use the restroom and I was walking back to the conference room when I heard someone call out to me.

"Ms. Chase!"

I turned to see Judge Moulder walking towards me.

"Yes, Your Honour?"

"I have a question about one of the notes you made in the outline of your demands. You said if you lose the case you'd like to pay for all of Gracie's schooling?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"May I ask why? Off the record."

"Education is really important to me, and I want her to get the best education she can. We already have college accounts started for both she and Ender, and I want to make sure she gets that higher education, whether she's with me or not."

"But you never went to college and neither did Mr. Irwin. I've had a peek at your academic records Ms. Chase and they are simply stunning."

"Thank you. And no I never went, I had to take care of Ender and Gracie and they come first."

He nodded. "And the other note..."

"Oh, yes. It was an idea Ashton and I had to make her just a little bit more ours if we do win."

He nodded again.

"Thank you Ms. Chase."

I watched as he left and then once he had disappeared I joined Ashton again.

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Where stories live. Discover now