Chapter 112

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"Mommy, Daddy, up up up!" A small body suddenly pounced on mine and I opened my eyes to see Gracie on top of me and Ashton.

"Gracie its twenty minutes before the alarm." Ashton whined. "Why are you awake baby?"

"Breakfast!" She stated simply.

"Okay sweetie we'll have breakfast in a little bit, go back to sleep." Ashton moved so his back was flat on the mattress while I moved to rest my cheek on his chest, closing my eyes.

"I sleep with you and Mommy!" Gracie decided and I could feel her crawling up to cuddle with us before Ashton jerked up and groaned.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow." He sat up, folding over as he held his arms across his abdomen.

"What happened?" I asked, sitting up as well as Gracie crawled over to me.

"Owwwwwwwwwwwwww." He groaned again. "Wow that hurt, holy sh-"

"Ashton!" I smacked his arm before he could finish his sentence.

"Stop hitting me! I'm in enough pain."

"What happened?"

"She stepped on me." He whined.


"No, she stepped on me." 

"Ashton she steps on you all the time."

"Carter, you know that lovely thing we do so that we will- eventually -end up having children?"

"Yes?" My cheeks flared a bit.

"Yeah, well I don't think we'll be having children."

"Oh." My eyes widened when I realised what he had meant. "Sorry babe."

"Yeah...yeah." He let out a breath before coming to lay back down.

"You good hun?" I asked him.

"Yup." He sighed.

I brought Gracie over to him and laid her gently down on Ashton's chest.

"Daddy we go to sleep now."

"I know. It's time to close your eyes." He messed with her hair.

"Okay Daddy." She smiled contently as she snuggled into his chest and I smiled at the two before reaching over for my phone to take their picture before snuggling into Ashton's side.

We got a few more minutes of rest before the alarm went off.

Gracie had fallen asleep on Ashton's chest and I helped move her off so she could lay in the blankets.

"Look at that." I nodded to the beds where Ender was passed out in one and Gracie in the other.

Ashton shook his head with a chuckle and went over to his duffel to find his clothes.

"So have you thought about getting Ender a phone?" I asked as I did the same.

"Yeah. I mean I think that it would be nice for him to be able to talk to his friends back home and he's got a valid point about if we aren't with him and something happens then he can get in contact with us, but I still think that he's too young and I don't want to give him access to all of the things I work hard to protect him from."

"Yes, I agree. But I think also he had a really good point about the responsibility thing. We need to give him something to be responsible about."

Ashton nodded. "Okay how about this, we get him the phone, but we put parental blocks on it. He only gets so much data and if he goes over then he has to pay us back, only one social media that we will have control over, no password on the phone, and we can check it at any time."

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Where stories live. Discover now