Chapter 122

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"You look pretty." Ashton's voice came from behind me and I looked up into the mirror to see him standing a few feet behind me, a soft yet sad smile on his lips.

I was wearing a black jean skirt with silver buttons up the front and a long sleeved, light blue, loose blouse. It was v-necked and had laces criss-crossing over the empty space.

My makeup was done and my hair was curled.

"Thank you." I said back to him, then glanced back down.

"Are you almost ready?"

"Yeah." I dug through my makeup bag to find my chapstick and applied it before turning around.

Ann was sitting on the kids bed with one of the portable DVD players in her lap as she watched a movie with the kids.

"Hey guys, we're gonna go so come give us hugs." Ashton said and Ann paused the movie before both kids slid off the bed to come hug us.

"Bye End." I hugged my brother and kissed his hair before he moved to hug Ashton.

"Bye Dad." Ender smiled at him.

"I'll see you later bud." Ashton kissed his hair as well before letting go.

Gracie came up to us and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I love you sweet girl, be good for Grandma, and Daddy and I will be back soon." I told her before kissing her cheek.

"Okay Mommy." She grinned at me.

"I love you."

"I love you, Mommy."

Gracie then moved to Ashton who wrapped her up in his arms.

"I love you Gracie, be a good girl and we'll be back soon."

"Love you Daddy." She smiled and he kissed her other cheek before standing back up.

"We'll be back tonight." Ashton waved at his mom and then took my hand before leading me out of the hotel.

When we hit the streets instead of going to the car he turned and began to walk down the sidewalk, a body guard walking in front of us.

"Why are we walking?" I asked him.

"I thought the walk would be nice for both of us." He replied and then got silent. He stayed that way for a few minutes before speaking.

"Carter," he began and I internally sighed, "I know that this custody thing with Gracie has us both worried and stressed and freaking out...but I know you and I know myself, we will get through this."

"I don't think that if she leaves I'll be able to make it, and I don't think-"

I was about to say something then stopped myself.

"And you don't think we'll make it?" He filled in the blank and I slowly nodded. "I figured that's what you were thinking."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not mad." He chuckled. "Gracie was- is- a big reason why we are the family we are. She's one of the reasons I proposed so soon because I wanted to be her father. She's helped us be the couple we are. She brought us closer in ways I thought it would take years for us to be, but she did it just by walking through our front door. If she were to leave there would be this unfillable hole in our lives and we would never be the same as we were...but I wouldn't leave you just because she's not there."

I stayed silent.

"I'm not leaving you Carter. Not even if we lose all our money, our house, our kids, ourselves...I'm staying with you because you are a part of me now, and I hope I am a part of you. We're in this for the long run alright? I don't want you to worry."

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Where stories live. Discover now