Chapter 130

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This morning I woke up knowing exactly what today was.

July 28th, the day my parents died.

It still didn't feel like six years ago, it felt like yesterday.

I would never forget that day.

Ashton was still asleep when I got out of the bed and made myself some coffee. Just like how my mom did every morning when she was still alive.

I took my steaming mug and then went over to the window sill, moving back the curtain and taking a seat, letting my eyes wander over the city streets of London.

Going on tour was supposed to be amazing for me, but instead it had turned into this awful nightmare for this entire family.

I heard movement and looked to my left to see Ashton waking up.

He stretched before sitting up and looking my direction. He knew how I would be feeling today.

I watched him roll out of bed and pour himself some coffee before coming over to the window seat and sitting on the opposite side.

"Six years." He let out a sigh and I nodded.

"It feels like it was yesterday."

We were silent as I stared out the window but I could feel his eyes on me.

"You look so much like your mom." He practically whispered.

I gave him a half smile.

"I wish she was here for tomorrow."

"She will be there in spirit Carter." He assured me and I nodded.

"I've always wondered how my life would be different if they were still here. I've would've had a childhood, but I can't imagine now not being the one to raise Ender. It's weird."

"I still think about how I would've asked your dad for your hand in marriage...I was nervous enough asking Ender, imagine me asking your father." He said and I let out a laugh.

"He would have loved you. He would've wanted to go to your shows and have you over all the time to talk about music. I've imagined it like that."

"I would've loved that." He smiled at me.

The both of us then heard movement and looked to see Gracie sit up in the bed, her head scanning the room until she landed on us.

"Mommy Daddy!" She jumped out of the bed and ran over to me.

I set down my coffee and pulled my little girl into my arms as she climbed onto the window bench.

"What are you doing?" She asked us as she sat herself in my lap.

"We're talking about how Mommy looks like Grandma Megan." Ashton told her.

"Mhmm." Gracie looked up at me and nodded. "I look like Mommy."

"You do." He smiled at her.

"Do I look like Grandma Megan?" She then asked me.

"Yes you do." I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Mommy, does Grandma Megan love me?" She kept looking up at me.

"Your Grandma Megan and Grandpa James love you very very much." I touched her cheek with my thumb.

"But they not here." She said so innocently.

"Well, just because they aren't here doesn't mean they don't love you." I gave her a little smile and she nodded before laying her head on my chest.

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat