Chapter 113

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"Okay, I'm going to take a quick shower and then we can go watch the show." Ashton said as we walked into the dressing room.

"Okay." I smiled as he walked into the shower area with the boys.

"That was so cool!" Ender exclaimed next to me, still excited.

"I know. The boys are pretty cool aren't they?" I hugged his shoulders.

"Yeah." He smiled up at me.

"So we talked this morning and we've decided to let you have a phone, but it's going to have certain limitations and rules."

"I get a phone?!" He grinned.

"Yes. And Ashton will explain the rules when we give it to you."

"Thanks Car!"

"Daddy?" I heard Gracie and saw her walk into the showers.

"What is it Gray?" Ashton's voice echoed.

"I want shower." Her little voice said and I laughed.

"You don't need one right now, go see Mommy and I'll be there in a few minutes."

Gracie came over to me and I held her in my arms until Ashton came out, freshly showered and dressed in new clothes.

"Okay come here." He took Gracie from me and kissed on her cheek. "Did you just want some Daddy cuddles?"

"Mhmm." She nodded and rested her head on his shoulder.

"She's about to be out." Ashton said as he rocked her back and forth and I went to her bag to find her pyjamas.

We changed her clothes and I set up a little makeshift bed on the sofa where Ashton laid her down.

"But I wanna go." She whined as he covered her up with the blanket.

"It's past your bedtime and you need to sleep." He explained to her. "But Uncle Luke will be here to watch over you while you sleep."

"Okay Daddy!" She smiled.

I moved in to give Gracie a kiss and tell her I love her, Ashton doing the same, before we tucked her in and made sure Luke knew what to do in case she woke up.

Ender jumped on Ashton's back and Ash carried him back to the arena where security let us go to the spot where there was space between the stage and the barricades.

The lights went out and a mountain of screams crashed down on the stadium as music began and the four members of the band came on stage singing.

I didn't know any of their music but I smiled as I saw Harry walk by and look at me.

He came over to us while singing and gave us all high-fives before continuing the show.

Once it ended Brad began to take us backstage again and I noticed girls carrying and wearing shirts that had 5SOS's name and picture on it.

"How come I don't have a shirt?" I pointed out to a girl wearing one.

"I can get you all the merch you want." He laughed and squeezed my hand.

Backstage was crowded and we got back to our dressing room where Gracie was snoozing away. 

We were about to leave to go to the hotel when I looked in the mirror and noticed I was still wearing Harry's coat.

Going across the hall I knocked on the door but no one answered.

"They already left for the night." A crew member told me and I nodded before going inside and laying the coat on the back of a chair.

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Where stories live. Discover now