Chapter 146

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The next morning was filled with travelling for 3/4 of the Irwin family.

Gracie was a bit fussy in the morning when we arrived to the airport and so we had to get on to her for her attitude.

She did better on the plane and then became excited once we landed in London because she wanted to see her big brother and also her puppy.

I was excited to see Ender too and when we got to the hotel and arrived at our room we opened the door to see him sitting there with Luke, Michael and Calum.

"Car!" He grinned when he saw me and jumped up, running towards me so I could take him in a hug.

"Oh my goodness I missed you so much." I hugged him tightly.

"I missed you too." He squeezed my waist.

He then let go to hug Ashton.

"Hey, bud. We missed you." Ashton kissed the top of his head.

"I missed you too, Dad." Ender said and of course my heart melted.

Next Ender hugged Gracie before we were able to say hello to the guys and begin unpacking.

As I put my dirty laundry aside I got a text from Harry.

'Come over tonight.'

'I have to help Ender with a project.'

'Then come over after.'


I sighed and set down my phone.

"What?" Ashton asked.

"Harry wants me to come over tonight." I said and got no reply from him.

I ignored it though and finished unpacking so I could help Ender with his homework.

"Okay, so what do you need help with?" I asked him as we sat down at the table together.

"I'm supposed to make a powerpoint with information from our family history but I don't know our family history."

"Alright, well how far back do you need to go?"

"To my great grandparents." He said as he read off a paper.

"Okay. So do you want to do this biologically or with our re-arranged family?"

"Re-arranged family?" Ashton laughed from across the room.

"Well I don't know what else to call it." I said.

"I guess biologically." Ender said.

"Okay, I don't know a lot, but Ari's mom would know what I don't so you can call her too. But I guess we can start with that you and I are the children of James and Megan Chase. Then Dads parents were Oliver and Elizabeth Chase, and Moms were John and Allison Robinson. I don't know the rest of Moms family, but Dads grandfather was named David and his grandmothers name was Ann, like Ashton's mum."

I drew out the family tree for him as I spoke.

"Then Mom had a brother named Tyler who passed away from cancer, and Dads sister was Aunt Deb who also passed away."

"Do we have any other family?" He asked.

"Not that I know of." I said and he nodded.

"And then you can do that I am with Ashton, and he and I have Gracie, and Ann is his mom."

"Okay." He said.

"Call Mrs. Rodriguez and see if she knows anything else, but that's all i've got." I told him.

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Where stories live. Discover now