Chapter 117

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Carter, I can't believe it's been six months since we started dating. This half year that I have spent with you has been absolutely extraordinary, and I can't wait for the many more years we have before us.

I still remember the day I met you like it was yesterday. I naively thought that you would know who I was but you had no idea, and it was so cute and interesting to watch you be your true self around me. When I first saw you I remember thinking that you were the prettiest girl I had ever seen, and that hasn't changed. Even on that very first day I met you, when all of my flirting attempts didn't seem to work and I'm pretty sure by the end of our tour you thought I was a total weirdo, I knew that there was something special about you. Little did I know that five months later I would be asking you to be my wife.

But even though the fact of me asking you to marry me so soon surprised us both, the fact that one day I would ask you didn't, because I knew with all of my heart from that very first second we met, that you were going to be the girl I spent the rest of my life with, you were going to be the girl I married.

Baby, these last six months with you have been the most crazy, amazing, surprise filled, and loving months of my life, and that is all because of you. I never knew what it was like to be in love until I met you. Carter you are the only girl I have ever truly loved, and you always will be.

You, Ender, and Gracie have been the biggest blessings to me. In the past six months I've been given a brother-in-law who is the coolest kid I have ever met, a daughter who is so beautiful and perfect I can't believe she ours, and then fiancé, my wife, my everything...and every morning when I wake up with you curled up and pressed against me as close as you can be, I'm blown away by the fact you and this family are mine.

Car, you are the strongest person I know, and I know I tell you that all the time but it's because I never want you to forget it. You have been through things that no one should have to go through, but because of that it's made you into the person you are. You've taken situations that would have shaken most people up- head on, facing every challenge that has been thrown at you with an open mind and heart. You inspire me everyday with your bravery and courage, and I hope you know that Ender and Gracie have such an amazing role model like you to look up to.

No couple is perfect, but I think our imperfections make us perfect. I'm not always the easiest person to be with. I've messed up and made mistakes, but behind my screw ups was the intent of keeping you and our children safe and protected from the harsh and cruel realities and people in this world, because you are too good for that, and you deserve nothing but happiness and love.

Do you remember our first date? I do. It was the best (and now last) first date I've ever had, because it was with you. You looked so pretty in that red shirt and those white shorts, and I put my flannel on your shoulders when you got cold. We went out to Martha's Diner and then went skating. And let's be honest, I wanted to hold your hand so badly and I knew you knew how to skate but I just didn't want to let go of your hand because it felt so perfect in mine. And then we sat on your roof for two hours just looking at the ocean. It was so peaceful just being there with you. We didn't have to fill the silence with awkward talking, we were comfortable just being there with each other, and I think that's so important.

And then of course when I told you goodnight I went to kiss you but panicked and kissed your cheek instead. There you were, this absolutely perfect girl, and there I was, a guy who felt like he wasn't deserving to kiss you. I didn't know if you wanted me to so I decided to kiss you on the cheek and then wait till our second date.

Then a few nights later when your water heater busted and I was over there to help I found myself not being able to wait any longer. You were just so cute and looked beautiful even with the paint chips in your hair and I knew I had to make my move or you were going to get away. So I kissed you; in the middle of the kitchen, and it was so amazing. You know how they say you feel fireworks when you kiss the person you love? Well I felt them. The way your lips felt against mine confirmed all of my thoughts that you were the girl for me. I was addicted and I wanted to make you mine, so I asked you to be my girlfriend in a toy store. The guys will never let me live that down, but I couldn't wait, because it was you.

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt