Chapter 166

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Best friend dates with Harry always meant something adventurous and fun, so when I awoke before everyone else I decided to get a head start on my day.

After making coffee I began to gather up the ingredients for french toast. Ann had mentioned Ashton eating it all the time as a kid so I decided to surprise him for breakfast.

As I was mixing the eggs with some milk and cinnamon the door to the bunks slid open and Gracie stepped out.

"Good morning, Gray." I smiled at her and she came forward to hug me. "Did you sleep well?"

"Mhmm." She nodded.

"Why don't you go lay down with Daddy while I make breakfast?" I suggested and she nodded before walking over to Ashton.

I watched as she lifted up the blanket and then crawled underneath the covers and onto her fathers chest.

Ashton's eyes fluttered for a moment before he sleepily smiled and then wrapped his arms around his daughter.

I continued to make breakfast for everyone, the boys, Ann, and Ender strolling out and Harry waking up.

All I needed to do was wake up Ashton and Gracie, and so Ann took over cooking while I walked over to them, bending down beside them.

"Hey sleepyheads, breakfast is ready." I called at them, laughing as they opened their eyes.

"Mommy, hold me." Gracie reached up for me, so I lifted her off of Ashton and sat her on my waist, Ashton then standing up.

He yawned before shaking his head to chase the sleep away, then leaned in to kiss my cheeks and lips.

"Guess what I made for breakfast." I smirked at him. "French toast."

"Seriously?" He broke into a grin. "I love french toast, I used to eat it all the time when I was young."

"I know, your mom gave me the idea."

After several pieces of french toast were devoured by everyone, Ann decided to head home to Sydney.

As she said her goodbyes, Gracie began to cry and pitch a fit because she didn't want her grandma to go, so I had to take her to the back of the bus and calm her down.

"Gracie, I know you love Grandma and she loves you too, but she has to go home to take care of Indie and go to work. I know she wants to stay here with you too but she has to go home now." I explained to her as I rocked her back and forth in my lap.

"But I don't want her to go."

"I know, I don't want her to go either, but she has to, and I know it would make her very sad to see you cry before she left. So can you put on a big smile and go give her hugs and kisses?"

Gracie nodded her head, still in a pout, and I wiped away her tears before taking her back in the front room where she ran into Ann's waiting arms.

"I love you Gracie." Ann hugged her tight and gave her a few kisses on her cheeks. "I'll come visit soon, I promise."

Once everyone had said their goodbyes and Ann left, I took my leave with Harry, the two of us getting into a SUV where Harry gave the driver an address.

It was warm outside so I wore a white, cotton sundress and sandals while Harry wore skinny jeans and a black tee shirt.

"So where are we going?" I asked him.

"I found this cool little classic car show and they have food trucks there and stuff." He shrugged. "Thought it could be fun."

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Where stories live. Discover now