Chapter 127

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Ashton's PoV:

"Dad, wake up! Car!" I felt my shoulder being shaken and I slowly opened my eyes to see Ender standing above me.

"What is it End?" I yawned.

"The social worker lady is here." He said and I sat up quickly, looking across the room to see Amanda Lang standing by the door.

"Crap." I stood up, realising I was in my boxers and a tee shirt, but it was a little late now and I walked over to her.

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea you were coming today." I reached out to shake her hand.

"No I didn't tell you, this is supposed to be a unexpected visit, the judge ordered it yesterday after hearing about Gracie's visit with her birth father."

"Oh okay." I nodded. "I uh- I guess I'll go wake up Carter."

She smiled and I went back over to the beds where I lightly shook Carters side to get her up.

"Hey, Amanda Lang is here for a surprise visit, the judge ordered it." I told her once she opened her eyes.

She sat up more and looked at Amanda before getting out of bed and going to say hello.

"What is she doing here?" Ender asked me.

"She's just here to watch us and see how we take care of Gracie and you."

He nodded.

"Now go get dressed."

Carter came back over to me, Amanda following.

"You have work today right?" Carter yawned.

"Yeah, but I'll call and cancel." I said and she nodded, her arms folded across her stomach to warm herself up.

I gave Carter a quick good morning peck on the lips before searching for sweatpants.

I pulled some on and then fixed my hair in the mirror above the dresser.

"Mommy." I turned around when I heard Gracie mumble.

"Good morning sweetheart." Carter walked over to the little girl who was buried in the blankets and lifted her up, resting her on her waist.

Gracie clung to Carter and rested her head on her moms shoulder as Carter walked around trying to get ready.

I went to get Gracie when Carter had to get dressed and held her in my arms, the little girl smiling.

"Good morning princess." I smiled at her.

"Morning Daddy." She hugged my neck and I kissed her cheek.

"Did you sleep good?"

"Mhmm." She nodded and then looked at Amanda, a whimper escaping her.

"No trip! No trip!" Gracie began to violently shake her head.

"Hey, shh...." I tried to calm her down. "You're not going on a trip, you're staying here with me and Mommy and Ender."

"I stay with you?"

"Mhmm." I smiled and she looked relieved. "Now let's pick out something for you to wear today."

We went to her suitcase where she and I went through the clothes until we settled on black leggings and a dark green shirt to go over it.

Carter came out of the bathroom now dressed and helped me dress Gracie.

"Mommy you braid my hair?" Gracie asked.

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