Chapter 160

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Morning came all too soon, and so once I got out of bed and was carrying Gracie around the living area I took the time to enjoy the quiet.

Luke stumbled in after a while and turned on the television, the two of us watching Friends like we did every morning.

Ashton came in next and sat down next to me.

"Morning." He kissed me.

"Morning." I kissed him back, Gracie crawling over into his lap so Ashton could hold her.

"We need to discuss what to do about Ender." He said. "Because when I got back last night he and I had a bit of a talk about what went down."

"What did he say?" I asked.

"Apparently Chloe, that girl he went to the movies with is his crush and all, but when we went back to Haven for the wedding, he didn't go see her so she was mad. And Enders quote-un-quote reasoning for calling her a bitch was that he was mad and now he has a famous family so he can do whatever he wants. And I then proceeded to inform that that was not the case and he was grounded."

So many emotions ran through me as Ashton spoke but I finally settled on disappointment.

"Ive always raised him to be respectful to everyone, so why he thinks that just because he's "famous" he can call someone that is beyond me." I shook my head.

"I say we take his phone up until he decides to give us a legitimate explanation for why he acted like that. And then I want him to apologise to his friend and that girl." Ashton said.

"Sounds good to me."

When Ender came out we told him his punishment which made him whine, but Ashton told him to pull it together because he had to be on his best behavior today.

As I began to cook breakfast, Ashton stood next to me holding Gracie, talking with her.

"You get to wear a pretty dress and be on camera today, aren't you excited?" He asked her.

"Mhmm." She nodded and then sneezed, right in Ashton's face.

Everyone laughed at this but Ashton gave her a stern look.

"That's not nice." He said as he grabbed a paper towel to wipe off his cheek. "You have to cover your mouth when you sneeze."

"I think someone's getting the sniffles." I stepped forward and took Gracie as she sneezed again, this time covering her mouth.

I gave her some allergy medicine and then went back to making breakfast.

Once everyone had eaten breakfast we got presentable before making our way to a car to take us to the GMA studio.

When we arrived we were greeted and then taken to a dressing room where Becca had set up and was waiting for us to arrive.

She started with me since I took the longest to get ready and curled my hair before starting on my makeup.

For me she had black skinny jeans and a baby pink sweater, and a black velvet choker. She then curled Gracie's hair and put it in a ponytail for her.

Gracie wore a white floral sundress with little sandals that had a tiny heel.

Ender dressed like Ashton and the boys in skinnies and a band tee shirt, and I could see he was feeling bad for what he had done.

Ashton, myself, and the kids were going to be here doing an interview first before we drove over to Central Park where they were having the small concert.

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя