Chapter 109

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I had never been so angry at Ashton.

Even when I had found out about the band I had been more hurt than angry, but right now I was pissed.

I don't know what had gotten into him today but he was being so pushy and pressuring to the point where I just blew up.

I was so sick of him trying to always fix everything.

He acted as if I was broken all the time but I wasn't, I was fine.

And besides, I shouldn't have to owe him any explanations.

When I stormed out of the hotel room I didn't know where to go, so I just went to the car and told the driver to drive.

Somewhere during the hour I was in the car I caught a glimpse of the beach and had him take me there.

I got out of the car and walked across the pavement until I came to the sand and took off my shoes.

The first step I took felt like heaven.

The sand between my toes and the smell of the saltwater in the air relaxed me immediately but also brought tears to my eyes.

I missed home.

I pulled out my phone and took a picture of my feet in the sand with the ocean on the horizon and shared it.

Not moments after I did Ashton called.

I declined the call which I knew would only piss him off but at this point I didn't care.

This week had been a roller coaster and I felt like today had been the part of the ride where we went upside down.

Wrapping my arms around my legs I leaned my head on my knees, closing my eyes and breathing in the fresh air.

I had to be completely honest with myself, this fight was a long time coming.

Ashton was this way about everything, always pushing and pressing and asking non stop questions until he got the answer he wanted, but not this time.

I could I admit something to him that I couldn't even admit to myself?

When I looked down I could see Ashton calling me again but I ignored it and looked back at the ocean.

I had left my home for him, and this was what I got?

The sound of my text going off made me groan and I picked my phone up to read what Ashton had sent me.

'Just tell me where you are and I'll stop calling.'

'Beach.' I texted back and dropped my phone.

I wanted to be alone, but then again I didn't. Maybe I just didn't want to be with Ashton at the moment.

I could call Ari but I knew the reason Ashton had gone into the hallway earlier was to call her, I wasn't stupid.

There was Jason but he was on Ari's side.

I could ask one of the boys to come meet me but that was a fight with Ashton I didn't feel like having.

Becca. I would call Becca.

"Hey!" She answered on the second ring. "What's up superstar?"

"Hey, um are you busy right now?"

"If by busy you mean eating ice cream and watching Netflix then yes, I'm dreadfully busy."  She joked.

"Want to hang out?"

"Sure! Oh you can come over here and we can have like a girls day! It will be so much fun! I'll send you my address!"

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें