Chapter 107

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Last night had really shown me just how much I needed Ashton in my life.

He was so sweet throughout the entire night, holding me, kissing me, complimenting me constantly.

Ashton was a touchy person, but last night it was over the top. He was always kissing my neck, cheeks, or lips, hugging me and touching me tenderly.

He told me that I was beautiful, that I was smart, that I was nice, caring, funny, and pretty. He told me he loved me, and that I was everything ito him. He told me he needed me and wanted me more than anything else. He told me I was his and he was mine, and nothing would or could ever change that.

It had been everything I needed and I was so thankful for him.

These last couple of weeks had been emotionally rough on me, and yesterday had just been the tip of the iceberg. I had needed to get all of that out.

But I woke up this morning with a brand new attitude and a fresh outlook, and I was ready to take on whatever life threw my way.

I woke up before Ashton and went to make he and I some coffee before taking him his cup and walking in the bedroom, sitting down on his waist.

His eyes fluttered open when I did this and a sleepy smile came to his face.

"Don't put us in this compromising position if you don't plan on doing something about it." He smirked as he stretched his arms above his head and then put his hands on my waist.

"You have rehearsal this morning." I reminded him.

"Oh yeah." He smiled sleepily and began to massage my waist.

"And I brought you coffee like the good little fiancé I am." I handed him his cup after he sat up.

"Ooo thank you." He smiled and leaned up to give me a kiss.

"I never got to thank you for everything you've done for me these last few days. You've been so sweet and comforting and I really needed that."

"I'm glad you're feeling better. I don't like it when you're not happy."

"Well right now I am more than happy, so thank you."

"Of course baby." He reached up a hand to brush my cheek.

I finally got off his waist and let him get up so he could start getting ready while I carried a snoozing Gracie around the hotel room.

She was sleepy this morning and didn't wake up until Becca arrived.

At that point she wanted to cuddle and pulled my shirt down in front of Becca, causing her to sit in timeout for ten minutes.

"I'm going to find a good child psychologist and make her an appointment for when we get to London." I told Ashton.

"Okay. They had child psychology at that place where I took the parenting classes."

"I'll check it out." I gave him a smile and then went to get dressed and ready.

"Car, I need you to take me to my test today." Ender walked out of the bedroom after getting dressed.

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Where stories live. Discover now