Chapter 173

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The next morning I woke up feeling nauseous, spending the hours between 3 am and 5 am on the bathroom floor.

Ashton walked in there at about 4 am, sitting there with me while I tried not to throw up, and ultimately failed several times.

Once I was feeling better I showered and changed clothes before going out to the kitchenette to pour myself some coffee.

"What do you think you're doing?" Ashton asked me as I brought the cup to my lips.

"Drinking coffee? Like I do every morning?" I gave him a questioning look.

"Aren't you not supposed to drink caffeine when you're pregnant?"

"It's fine if I only have a cup a day, just not more than that."

He nodded and then pulled out his laptop, typing away at the keyboard.

"Whatcha doin?" I asked him and sat down next to him.

"Researching pregnancies. I want to know everything I can so I can help you."

"That's sweet." I smiled and leaned into his arm, watching the screen as he scrolled around.

"So how many weeks are you?" He asked.


"So when's the due date?"

"December 30th." I answered and he sent me down an adoring smile.

"So I have another doctors appointment next week if you want to go with me." I offered.

"Of course I want to go!" He put his arm around my shoulders.

I leaned against his side as he scrolled through different sites.

"Baby, this one says you're not supposed to drink coffee." He pointed at the screen.

"I'm pretty sure this baby is already thriving off of it. Take away the coffee from me and you're punishing the baby."

"I'm not punishing the baby." He rolled his eyes. "I'm protecting it."

"Maybe so but you're punishing me." I frowned. "Please don't take away my caffeine. If you take it away you won't like the person I am without it."

He laughed at this.

"Fine. One cup a day. That's it. Caffeine can affect the baby's birth weight and cause miscarriage so one cup and no more."

After a few more minutes Gracie and Ender entered the room, Gracie sleepily walking up to me.

"Morning, Mommy." She climbed up in my lap. "Morning, baby." She then patted my stomach.

"Are you telling your little brother or sister good morning?" Ashton smiled at her.

"Mhmm." She nodded. "Little sister."

"You think it's a girl?" I laughed while she nodded.

"I think it's a boy." Ender piped up as he came to sit next to me.

"No! Girl!" Gracie whined.

"Well Daddy and I can't control if it's a boy or girl." I said and Gracie pouted.

"What do you think it is?" Ashton smiled.

"I think it's a boy." I shrugged.

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Where stories live. Discover now