Chapter 163

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In the morning I awoke to a pair of strong arms locked around my waist.

I opened my eyes to see the darkness of Harry's bedroom and then felt him nuzzle his face into my neck and sigh, making me giggle at the ticklish feeling.

"Good morning." He said in a gruff morning voice.

"Hi." I replied. "We need to get up."

"No. Just stay for a while." He smiled into my neck and tightened his arms.


I felt Gracie move in my arms and I watched as she turned over and opened her eyes and smiled at me.

"Hi, sweetheart." I laughed.

"Morning, Mommy."

I then felt Harry move to look at Gracie.

"Hey there, Gracie." He said.

"Uncle Harry!" She smiled and then moved to crawl over me.

Harry and I both moved onto our backs as she did this and went to hug him.

"Breakfast time?" She asked.

"You wake up hungry just like your Daddy." I chuckled.

"Let's get some food in your tummy then." Harry sat up and picked her up.

"Mommy." Gracie reached out for me and I took her from Harry.

"Can you put my hair in a ponytail for me?" I asked Harry and he took a hair tie off my wrist before tying it back for me.

We then headed downstairs and to the the kitchen.

Harry let Jupiter outside while I grabbed two coffee mugs.

I leaned against the counter as Harry made coffee and as it brewed he came over to me and bumped his nose to my forehead.

"What are you doing?" I giggled as he kept doing this, occasionally getting kisses to my forehead or cheeks.

"Trying to kiss your face but you keep moving." He said as his mouth followed my movements.

"You're so inappropriate." I ducked out of the way just as Anne and Gemma walked into the room.

But Harry didn't seem to care and instead grabbed my head and pulled it towards him so he could press a firm kiss to my forehead.

"See. Now was that so difficult?" He laughed and then noticed his family. "Oh. Good morning."

I smiled politely at them, my cheeks tinted red from embarrassment and then went to get my cup of coffee.

"Uncle Harry." Gracie then reached out for the only man in the house and he came over to
take her and rest her on his hip.

"Yes, Gracie?" He smiled at her.

"Breakfast time."

"It is breakfast time. Come on, let's look in the refrigerator and see what we have." He walked her to the fridge and then opened the door. He bounced her from side to side as he looked.

"We have some strawberry yogurt which I know you like, and some apple sauce." He said and she nodded so he got that.

I made coffee for Anne and Gemma and then we all sat at the bar to eat.

"Becca will be here shortly to help get you and Gracie ready, and I have surprises for you today." Harry said.

"No more surprises." I lightly hit his arm.

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Where stories live. Discover now