Chapter 158

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Tonight we were in Pittsburgh for a show where I stood backstage on behind the audiences line of vision, watching the boys play the third to last song of the show before the encore.

My eyes landed on Ashton as he drummed away, mesmerised by how totally immersed he was in the music.

So when Ender flew up beside me, I almost didn't notice until he was hitting my arm.

"Somethings wrong with Gracie." He said to me with wide eyes and mine widened as well. I followed him as he took off, running behind him until we got to a more crowded part of the backstage area where Gracie was lying on the floor, several workers over her.

"Excuse me." I said and barrelled through them to get to my daughter.

"What happened? What happened?" I asked loudly as I kneeled in front of her.

Gracie's little eyes were almost swollen shut and she was wheezing, trying to get air into her lungs. Her tongue and lips were swollen as well and it was obvious she was having an allergic reaction to something.

"Oh my God someone call an ambulance!" I exclaimed.

The lady next to me pulled out her phone.

Little tears were streaming out of Gracie's eyes as she looked at me.

"Hey you're gonna be okay. We're gonna take you to the hospital and it's all gonna be okay baby. I promise. Okay just keep breathing for me just like that." I reached over to take her hand.

"Shh it's okay, it's okay." I said to her, soothing my hand across her forehead.

Her little body was heaving up and down as she tried to breathe and soon paramedics were dashing backstage to us.

Gracie's brown eyes began to flutter closed and then her body went limp, causing me to panic.

"She's gone into anaphylactic shock." A paramedic said and they moved her onto a stretcher.

"We'll get Ashton when the song ends." One of the sound guys said to me.

"Okay, just hurry." I said to him quickly before Ender and I hurried off with the paramedics, Bryan the tour manager jumping in the back of the ambulance with us.

I stood by Gracie's head as the paramedics worked over her and the car began to move, the sirens swelling in my ear.

My breath was laboured and Ender's arms were wrapped around my waist as we watched one of the EMTs inject Gracie in her thigh.

"We're only ten minutes away from the closest hospital." Bryan said to me and I nodded, not taking my eyes off Gracie.

They turned Gracie on her side and I tried to control my breathing to keep myself calm.

After what seemed like a century we stopped and the back of the ambulance flew open and they took the stretcher she was on out, the three of us following her.

So fast I didn't know how it happened but we were suddenly in a hospital room where several nurses immediately came in, putting an oxygen mask on Gracie and also starting her on an IV.

"Are you the mother?" One of them asked me and I nodded. "Do you know what she's allergic to?"

"Only bugs, but the bites just swell and I give her a Benadryl and they go away."

"Well it must be something else, we will do an allergy test once she's stable to get more information."

I watched as a nurse went to take blood from Gracie's arm and my stomach lurched.

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora