Chapter 124

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The moment our alarm went off to wake us up I immediately regretted it.

Ashton groaned next to me then rubbed his hands along my waist.

"You ready for this?" He breathed against the back of my neck.

"I don't think I'll ever be ready." I sighed before the two of us rolled out of bed.

I took a shower first so I could start blow drying and curling my hair while Ashton showered.

We stood next to each other at the counter while I applied my make up and Ashton carefully shaved, applied aftershave and then cologne.

He fixed his hair in the mirror then turned to me.

"Does it look okay?"

"It looks very handsome." I smiled.

We then went to the closet where we chose a light blue dress for me, it was long sleeved and very modest, and then black slacks and a nice light green button down for Ashton.

I watched him in wonder as he tucked in his shirt and but a belt through the loops on his slacks. I had never seen him like this before.

He sat down on the bed to put on dress socks and shoes and I sat next to him to slip on my heels.

"I need some of your coffee." Ashton said.

"There's coffee on the table babe."

"No. I mean like when I wake up in the mornings at home, and I go downstairs and you pour me a cup of coffee and kiss me good morning...I miss that."

"Someone is homesick."

"Yeah." He sighed.

"Well we will be there soon enough." I kissed his cheek.

There was a knock at the door and Ashton opened it to let Ann in who would be staying with the kids while we were gone.

"You clean up good." She nodded to Ashton.

"I hate these slacks." He huffed.

"I think you hate the reason you're wearing the slacks more than you hate the actual slacks." I pointed out.

"It's a close tie." He said and I kissed his cheek again.

Ashton and I each tried to down a cup of coffee and I was touching up my lipstick when I heard Gracie speak.

"Mommy?" Her voice was high pitched and whimpery like when she was about to cry.

"What's wrong baby?" I walked over to her side of the bed quickly and bent at the waist so I could brush aside her curly hair with my fingers.

"My tummy hurts." She whined.

"Your tummy hurts?" I frowned and then placed my hand on her forehead. "You don't have a fever."

"Yes I do." She looked up at me with her big brown doe eyes and I figured out what was really going on.

"Gracie, does your tummy really hurt, or do you just want me and Daddy to stay home with you?" I said to her and she frowned.

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu