Chapter 138

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When I saw Harry's face a surge of anger took over me and I went to slam the door in his face but he stopped me.

"Carter, please!" He begged.

"Just go away, Harry!" I yelled.

"At least tell me why you're mad at me?!" He marched inside behind me and I threw the knife onto the counter.

"If you don't know why I'm mad at you then obviously we aren't as close of friends as I thought we were."

"Carter! I can't read your mind! And I can't fix this if you don't tell me what I did wrong! You're my best friend, I would never do anything to hurt you!"

"Then why are you dating Jenna?! Huh?! Explain that to me!"

"I'm not dating her!" He flung back at me.

"So taking her out to dinner and holding her hand as you leave a restaurant was just for what, laughs?"

"I went on one date with her, she's not my girlfriend!"

"It doesn't matter!"

"Carter why the hell are you so mad at me for going on a date?!"

"I'm not mad that you went on a date, I'm mad about who you went on the date with!"

"What do you have against Jenna?!"

"Like you don't know." I seethed.

"I don't! So explain it to me! I'm your best friend Carter."

"I don't have the time to be friends with people who only want to screw me over. I deserve better than that." I turned to walk away from him but then felt him tug my arm back.

"Carter come on!" He pulled me
backwards and for some reason that was the final straw and I whipped around, my hand flying out and striking his cheek.

At this Harry backed away, his face one of total shock and I fumbled back a few steps as well.

I moved my hands to cover my dropped jaw and then slid to the floor, a sob leaving me.

What had I done?

Harry brought his hand to his cheek and made eye contact with me.

I couldn't look at him and dropped my head, tears flowing as I cried.

He was going to hate me. He was going to never want to be my friend again.

I had messed this up.

But then I felt the light touch of his hand on my knee and looked up to see him crouched down in front of me.

He didn't have to ask verbally, his green eyes asked for him: What did Jenna do to make you react like this?

"She's done so many horrible things to me. She's called me the worst names, bashed me in articles and online, gone after my friends, my family...and now she's going after you too." I admitted in a whisper.

"I didn't know..."

"How could you not? It was everywhere."

"Because I don't pay attention to petty articles. I like to learn the truth for myself." He said and I sniffled. "Look, it was one date, an awful date at that, I didn't mean to offend you or hurt you in any way. I need you to believe that. Do you believe me?"

The only thing I could see in his eyes was sincerity.

I nodded my head and he let out a breath.

"Come here." He moved forward and pulled me into a hug. "I'm really sorry for going on a date with her. If I would've known I would've never said yes."

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Where stories live. Discover now