Chapter 171

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In the morning we were in Houston and I wanted to get rid of the ring Harry gave me before anyone saw it, so as soon as we parked at the arena I packed it in an envelope along with the note and scribbled down his address before putting it in a mailbox.

I had to move on. This was the first step.

The second step was going back like everything was normal; so I cooked breakfast for everyone and set it all up nicely so that when the boys and kids came out it was all ready.

"This is nice." Ashton smiled when he came out and hugged me from behind, kissing my cheek.

"Thought i'd make a nice breakfast for everyone." I shrugged.

He stayed there for a while, hugging and kissing me until everyone was awake and eating their food.

"I'm going to have makeover day with Gracie and then I was thinking we could have family movie night tonight?" I suggested to Ashton as we were watching dishes.

"That sounds nice." He smiled at me. "So I noticed the ring was gone."

"I mailed it back this morning."

"You didn't want to hold onto it?"

"I don't need an engagement ring from anyone else but you."

"Okay." He smiled before kissing my cheek.

After we were done cleaning up I went to change clothes before Gracie and I went to find Becca.

She was backstage and flipping through clothes on a rack when I found her.

"Hey." I smiled at her.

"Hey!" She grinned and came over to hug me and then Gracie.

"I was wanting to know if you could help us with our makeovers."

"Sure!" She smiled.

Gracie clapped her hands and Becca helped us make facial masks and paint our nails.

Gracie was having the time of her life and while she was looking at new dresses Becca had bought her, the two of us sat on the sofa with our coffee cups.

"So how's Harry?" She asked. The dreaded question.

"Um." I gulped before tucking my hair behind my ear. "We're um...we're not..."

Her eyes went wide.

"What happened?"

"He proposed to me last night."

Her jaw dropped.

"I knew he was in love with you, it was obvious,  but down on one knee and everything?"

"No. He wrote it on a note and left the ring. I just mailed it back to him this morning."

"What did Ashton say?"

I shrugged.

"That he's sorry this happened and he wishes Harry hadn't taken it that far. He's been really nice about it but I just want to move o-oh!"

I gasped as I felt a jump in my stomach.

"Carter?" Becca leaned forward.

"Oh my God." I held my hand to my stomach.

"What's wrong?"

"My stomach!" I gasped.

She furrowed her eyebrows at me before reaching forward and placing her hand on my stomach as another pain came through.

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن