Chapter 140

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Ashton's PoV:

"Daddy! Daddy!"

I shot straight up, sweat covering my entire body as I shook like I was in my own personal earthquake.

I could feel my heart hammering out of my chest and then the sounds of my daughter calling out my name.

Then I realised I was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Daddy!" I felt a little hand touch my arm.

I was too far into the aftermath of what I had just experienced in my head to notice Gracie slide off the bed, grab my phone, and run out of the room and across the hall.

I was too far gone to know that she ran into the boys hotel room, making her way to one of the bedrooms that contained my sleeping friends and climbed on the bed and began to push on Michael.

I was too deep into my despair that I wouldn't hear her shout "Call Mommy! Call Mommy!" To Michael as he woke up.

I was too far into my mind to see Michael confusedly call my fiancé who answered the phone, only to have Michael tell her he didn't know what was happening, and for Gracie to take the phone and run back to me.

The door opened and Gracie came back in with Michael following her.

I could see and hear them but I wasn't able to respond. I felt helpless.

"Mommy, Daddy crying." Gracie said as she climbed up onto the bed.

"Woah, you okay man?" Michael then walked up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Gracie, give me the phone."

She handed him the phone and he held it up to his ear.

"I don't know, he's just crying. He's shaking really bad too." Michael said as he looked me over. "Yeah, hold on." He said and then moved the phone away from him and pressed something so I assumed he put it on speaker.

But the sound of Carters voice proved me right.

"Ashton? What's going on?"

I wanted to tell her what I had just witnessed in my mind, because it felt so real, but I couldn't  get the words out.

"Ashton. I need you to breathe for me, okay?" Carter said. "Take deep breaths, calm down."

I needed to do what she said. I needed to breathe. I had to calm down.

I sucked in air as I tried to calm myself down, swallowing it down.

"Slowly, Ashton. Take slow, deep breaths."

I had to do what she said.

I inhaled and exhaled, listening to her coax me through the panic and bring me back down to earth.

Once I was breathing normally Michael spoke into the phone.

"I think he's okay."

"Ashton? Can you tell me what's going on?" Carter asked me.

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Where stories live. Discover now