Chapter 16: Apologies

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean?"I ask. "I mean, why did you look so down when I mentioned you marrying someone one day"he says.

"It's nothing"I say. "Oh it's something alright. I know when my son is going through something now tell me"he says.

"Well....umm.. Ariana called me today"I stutter. "That's great"he says.

"No it's not. I think Ariana is in some type of trouble. She tried telling me something but her boyfriend and over the line and ended the call. It sounded like he was gonna hurt Ariana"I tell my dad.

"Hold on, why are you so concerned about her? I thought you said you were over the both of you"he asks.

"We are over but dad she's my first love and it's hard to get over someone who you've spent the last three years making memories together"I tell him.

"I'm sure Ariana is fine. You need to fully get over her Justin. You keep putting up this front that you've moved on but really you haven't. What's going with that Madison chick. You two are dating right?"he ask.

"Yea we are it's just-"I say but my dad cuts me off.

"It's just what? Your dating Madison. She's your girlfriend. Not Ariana. Ariana has moved on to someone else and I'm sure that she wants you to move on too"he says.

"But dad you don't understand"I say "Don't understand what? That you have your head focused on another girl instead of your girlfriend?"he asks. I don't answer him. It stays quiet for a minute until he speaks up again.

"Can I ask you a question? Why did you break up with Ariana then if you still love her?"he asks.

"I don't know. We were both mad at each other"I say.

"I think you should stay with Madison. She should be your main focus. I'm sure she's just as great as Ariana. You will never know if you don't give her a chance. Find out the real Madison"he says.

"You think that will make things better?"I ask.

"Yes, you will be so much better. Who knows? Maybe Madison is the one. Maybe you guys are supposed to get married one day and have kids. You won't know until you give it a shot"he says. "Maybe your right"I say.

"I know I am. You can't keep putting life on hold for one girl. There are many other fish in the sea. And it so happens that you already have a wonderful fish right in front of you"he says.

"I guess I'll give Madison a shot"I say feeling better.

He is right. I can't keep beating myself up over one girl. Dad and mom didn't work out, but he found another woman to love him. And he's just fine. I'll be fine.

"Hey, why don't we invite Madison over for dinner. It will be a good chance for you to get to know her better. And for her to get to know me. I would really like to meet her"dad says.

"That's a great idea"I say and grab my phone. I dial her number and step out the kitchen real quick.

"Hey sweetie"she says into the phone.

"Hey beautiful. I'm having dinner over at my house and my dad and mom is over. My dad was wondering if you wanted to come eat with us?"I ask.

"Sure. That sounds great"she says. "Perfect. Dinner should be ready in about an hour"I tell her.

"Ok, see you soon bye"She says and hangs up. I go back to my dad in the kitchen where he was putting the macaroni in the oven.

"It should be ready in forty five minutes"he says. "Great, Madison should be here in an hour"I say.

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