Ethan: Maybe, I mean, I'm pretty low on the list. :( And I'm leaving soon, and I didn't want tonight to be our last time seeing each other.

Me: I'm coming to the 4OU show here in Houston. We would have seen each other again.

Ethan: True, but it wouldn't have been privately.

My eyelids flutter closed, as I try to read his last message. The phone buzzes against my chest, and my eyes fly open. Ethan's name flashes across the screen. I accept the call, and bring the phone up to my ear. "Hello?" My voice sounds groggy.
"Are you okay? Why didn't you answer my text? Did I do something wrong?" He asks, and I shake my head.
"No, sorry, I just fell asleep. I guess I am tired after all." I chuckle, and I think I hear him sigh in relief.
"Okay, then I'll let you get your beauty rest, because you definitely need it." He jokes.
"Shut up, bicycle seat." I snap. We both burst out into laughter. "Good night, again." I say.
I put my phone back on the nightstand, and I lay back down. I try to sleep, but I can't. I stare at the ceiling, and watch as the fan rotates around and around. I thought I was tired. I got off of the phone with Ethan, because of it, and now here I am wide awake.
Hours have passed, and the sun slowly streams light in from between the blinds. I check the time. It's 6:46 a.m.
"It's morning already?" I groan to myself, as I get out of bed. There is no point in laying here longer.
I look in the bathroom mirror, and the dark bags under my eyes are proof of my sleepless night. Grabbing my makeup bag from under the sink, I put on some foundation and concealer to hide the circles. I brush on some mascara and curl my eyelashes. Then, I put on a thin line of eyeliner, and my makeup for the day is done. The bags are too big to hide, as they pear from behind the layer of makeup. I walk back over to my nightstand and grab my phone. I turn on my phone and check the time. It's seven. I throw my phone on my bed, and I head downstairs for some breakfast.
My parents sit together at the island, there back facing me. The conversation seems serious, which worries me.
"What's wrong?" I ask, as I appear from behind them. The shock was clear in their face. I guess they didn't hear me coming. Just tell me what you guys were talking about.
"Honey we need to talk." My dad says, pulling out a chair for me. I hesitantly sit down, their eyes watching me closely.
"You know that we don't care if you date, as long as you know he's the right one, but in this case, you can't date a famous person." My mom says randomly. This is what they were talking about?
"What?!" I blurt. "Do you mean Ethan? We're just friends! And he wouldn't date me anyway, because he doesn't want to upset his fans by having a girlfriend." I say, as I start to laugh. They're kidding right? I think about Ethan, and the chance that he actually likes me. It makes me laugh.
My parents sigh with relief, making me roll my eyes. "Now, I'm going to go make some breakfast, because I'm starving." I say, as I get from my seat.
I grab the premade waffles from the freezer, and put it in the toaster. I watch my parents, as they stare back at me.
The silence was becoming unbearably awkward. "Sissy, your phone is ringing!" Sopheary yells, flying into the kitchen, my phone in her hands.
She hands me my ringing phone, and I looked at the caller ID, it's Julia. "Hey what's up?" I ask.
"What do you wanna do today?"
"Um...I have plans." My dad gives me a curious look, and I turn around.
"You have plans on a Saturday? Since when?" Julia asks sounding shocked.
"Since Ethan asked me to go do something with him." I whisper, and Julia sucks in a sharp breath.
"I thought it was chicks before dicks!"
"Fine, how about this? Would you like to come with me? I'll ask Ethan if it's okay." I say. Julia squeals, and I have to pull the phone away from my ear to prevent me from going deaf.
"Yes, yes, yes!" She exclaims happily.
"Okay then let me ask him, I'll call you back," I say. "Bye."
"Bye." She says cheerfully and hangs up.
"You're hanging out with Ethan today?" My mom asks, her face full of disapprovement. I want to live my own life like a normal teenager. Why can't she let me do that?
The waffle pops out of the toaster, and I nod my head. I take a bite out of it. "Like I said, nothing is going to happen like that, and besides he's leaving soon anyways."
I look for Ethan in my contacts and find him seconds later. He answers on the second ring.
"Hello?" His voice is raspy.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" I ask.
"No, no, it's fine. What's up?"
"My friend, Julia, she wants to hang out with me today, but I told her I had plans today, and then she said 'I thought it was chicks before' you can fill in the rest. So, is it okay if she tags along? I feel so bad." I plead.
"Yeah, that's fine with me, and I already know Grayson's coming," Ethan says. "This time you'll finally meet the real him. The sober version." I thought the drunk him was the real version. The one no one sees on screen.
"Thank you so so much, and just a fair warning, but she will probably scream her guts out when she first see's you and Grayson," I say, messimg with my waffle. Ethan's laugh rings through the phone. Its a laugh I'll never get sick of. Ever.
"Thanks for the warning." He says.
I turn back to my parents, and I'm glad they're staring at their phones and not me.
"No problem, and see you at?" I ask.
"One, at your house please," Ethan says.
"Okay, and one last question. Are we takeing one or two cars?"
"One, we'll just take my friends truck."
"Okay, soumds cool. See you then." I say smiling.
"Bye." He says. I wonder if he's smiling stupidly at his phone too.
I finish my waffle and run back up to my room to text Julia.

Me: He said it was fine, and we're meeting at my house at 1.

I sent the message and toss my phone onto the bed. I look in my closet for a cute outfit to wear. I grab a pair of super skinny jeans and a gray tank top that says 'BRKLYN' on it. I check my makeup, and it was still good. So, I braid my hair to the side and put on a pair of vans.
My phone buzzes. It was a text from Julia.

Julia: OMG!! OMG!! Okay, I'll probably be at your house earlier though.

Me: That's fine! :)

Julia: K ;p

I put my phone down on my dresser and turn on the TV. I connect my phone to my TV, and search up the Dolan Twins. I watch the 'Blender Challenge' video. As I watched the videos starting from the oldest to the newest, I start to tear up.
I have known about the twins since their first Vine was uploaded. I feel like such a proud mom right now. As I dab the tears away with a tissue, my mom walks in.
Her face fills with concern "Are you okay?" My mom asks, sitting next to me. I nod my head and laugh.
"Yeah, I was just yawning, and it made me tear up." I lie. Telling the truth to my mom would only make an issue that didn't need to be made.
"Are you ready for your AP Biology test tomorrow?" My mom asks, raising a brow.
"Yeah, why?"
"It seems like you haven't studied enough." My mom says.
"Do you want me to study right now?" I ask, wanting to please her.
"Yes, please. Or at least till one of your friends are here." She says as she gets up from my bed. I turn off the TV, and grab my AP Bio stuff. I look at my mom, as she walks out of the room with a proud smile on her face.
I studied for about two hours before Julia came. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe I'm going to meet the Dolan Twins!" She says, walking into my room. She wasn't this excited when I told her about the party. I wonder what changed.
"You're here so early. It's eleven." I close my textbook, and set it to the side.
"I told you I would be early." She says, as she checks her makeup in the mirror.
"I haven't even eaten lunch yet!" I scowl.
She turns and looks at me. "I haven't either. We should order a pizza." Julia says.
"With who's money exactly? I'm broke." I laugh.
"Mine." She says smirking, as she pulls out a fifty dollar bill.
"And since when do you have money?" I ask as I raise a brow.
"My parents gave it to me, as a donation to charity." Julia says laughing.
"Okay, then let's order," I say, as I grab my phone from my dresser.
We order a large sausage pizza and a liter of Pepsi. I only ate a piece or two, so I would be able to eat some Froyo, but Julia ate half the pizza.
Then, we sat on my bed and messed around with some Snapchat filters until it was time. To be honest, I'm kind of nervous.


Guys, this is chapter three, and I already have more views then I thought I would! If you guys would like me to update this book a lot faster then please comment! I have 14 chapters done, and all I have to do is type them onto here because they are in a notebook! Also, thank you so much for 61 fans! I have no idea why, but out of nowhere people are following me and adding my books to there library, and it means so much!! Please don't be afraid to DM me! I love to talk to my followers or just people in general. My life is so boring! :p Don't forget to comment, vote, follow, and most importantly enjoy!! PEACE!

[Fully Edited and Rewritten 4/20/19]

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