How Could I Forget?

Start from the beginning

"I can't play for the first half, but I can play for the rest of the game. Coach Ray wanted me to rest before I score the winning goal." a smirk tugging his lips, "Did you know that I basically took a beating for you just five days before my big match of the season?"

I slightly laugh, "Yeah, and your risking of loosing the game too because of how bad you're injured."

"Nah, that doesn't bother me. You're more important than another soccer game. But if you were the trophy, I'd certainly make sure I'd win so I could have you." he tried to make the statement light as possible without any conflict.

"That's nice to know, I guess." I chuckled, Zach joining.

The doors swing open to reveal the doctor, yet again. "It's time for Zachary to get some rest." he smiles sorrily.

"Alright." I say to him before facing back to Zach, "I'll see you later, yeah?"

He nods, "Isabelle, you're still coming to the game on Friday, yes?"

"Of course. I'll be that crazy girl on the bleachers chanting your name." I wink, him laughing.

Just before I was out the door, Zach calls my name one last time. I swiftly turn to catch his ocean blue eyes staring into mine.

"If I do score the winning goal, I'd make sure I'll point to you in the crowd so everyone will know just how special you are to me. That goal would be for you."

I grin. Any girl would be lucky to have Zach as their boyfriend, but I'm already a lucky girl by having Chase.

Just before deciding to leave the hospital with Emily and Sarah, I quickly rush over to the cafeteria to grab myself a quick snack. My brown iris' scan across the line of food before grabbing barbecue flavoured chips and a diet coke.

A sudden ring abruptly loudening my phone. I pull the device out of my jacket to read a two text messages; one from Christiana, and the other one from Chase.

I read Christiana's message first;

Christi: Bitch, were are my pads? It's been two hours and I'm waiting here like a loser waiting for my goddamn pads. You better bring me chocolate too, just to make it up to me.

I groan before making my way into the sweets of the cafeteria and purchasing a bag of Cadbury chocolates. Cadbury's a classic, who wouldn't love it?

Well since that's done, I scroll down to the next message from Chase that was received half an hour ago.

Chase: Where are you? You're suppose to be staying over at my place tonight.

Crap, I almost forgot.

Isabelle: Sorry, I'm just at the shops buying some stuff. I'll be there soon :) x

Not even seconds later, he replies back.

Chase: While you're there, can you please buy some condom's for me? ;)

I laugh dryly and roll my eyes at the screen.

Isabelle: Nice try, Chase. And no.

"Texting your boyfriend?" I instantly jump by the surprise of a male's voice.

"What are you doing here, Dean?" I ask rather annoyed, his lips smirking.

"You remember my name, huh?"

How could I forget?

"Yes, I do." I answer, "Now, if you don't mind, I have to leave." My body brush past his, but I'm immediately stopped by Dean's hand gripped around my wrist.

My body starts to panic. This man is dangerous, and god knows what will happen next.

"Where are you going?" he abruptly asks, my shrugging.

"None of your business." I bite, Dean raising an eyebrow.

"Well if you don't want me to do what Luke did to Ellie, then you better answer."

The amount of times I was urged to confess that it wasn't Luke who killed Ellie was replaying in my mind, but I fought against it.

"Who's Ellie?" I act cool, I think it would be safer for me to not know about Ellie.

He didn't buy it, "You know who Ellie is. Stop shitting with me. You basically friends with Luke; her boyfriend, Emily; her step sister, and I bet on my life that Chase would have told you about the nightmare of the night at the murder. I know that Chase is your boyfriend."

Damn it. He knew everything, how is this possible?

After words reluctantly escaped my mouth, I could help but shiver at his cold touch, "Can I go now?"

His lips fade down to his plain mutual expression, "Alright, babe. But just remember that this will never be the last we'd see each other again." His hand lets go of my wrist before I power walk out the hospital cafeteria and into the parking lot where Emily and Sarah were waiting patiently in the car.

The light of my iPhone buzzed;

Chase: You still coming tonight, princess?

I tried calming myself down by another encounter with Dean as my fingers sweep across the small keyboard before I answer and press send.

Isabelle: Yes :) I'm on my way x.


A/N: Happy Valentines Day Everyone!

Tell me your thoughts; Team Zach or Team Chase? A lot could still happen between both guys ;) Who do you think Isabelle would possibly end up with or maybe even leave? ;D


Thank you for reading x.

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