Bray: *grabs her wrists and shakes her* You WILL behave!



*Bray punches Maria with all his might. Maria drops to the ground and holds her face, crying. Bray towers over her, watching her writhe in pain and spits on her*

Bray: Worthless bitch.

*Maria continues to cry and groan on the ground as The Wyatts circle her. Maria barely gets on her knees before a foot connects with her back and knocks her back on the ground. She lets out a growl and launches herself at Luke. He easily invaded the attack and shoved her into the building. Maria screams as a sickening crack is heard and clings to her arm. Bray chuckles as Maria cradles her broken arm. He grabs by her hair and looks dead into her eyes*

Bray: Now...Tell me...Why do you hate her?



Xavier: *holds towel to bleeding man's head* He's gone man! Summer, Alberto, and some crazy bitch broke them out.

Becky: *stitches guy up* Yeah. And he took some of your men with him.

Matai: *looks at Becky* He killed them?!

Alicia: Nope. *coos spider* They went with him. He bribed them.

Reggie: *runs fingers through dreads* Ja gotta be fuckin' kiddin' meh.

Paige: No. They're not. He really took them.

*Matai ran his fingers through his hair. He couldn't believe what was going on. He scanned the area and saw some of his men scattered on the ground and some of them walking around with blood on their faces. He was still looking when a big burly man came from the basement and staggered towards him. Reggie had taken Lil' Reggie from Alicia and was slowly rubbing his back well he noticed the man coming closer*

Reggie: *steps back* Simba!

Matai: *looks at Reggie* Huh? *looks around* Wh...

*The man grabs hold of Matai and drops to his knees*

Man: D...Da...

Matai: *shakes arms* Hey! Get off of me man!

Man: Da...Da...Darius.

*Matai stops struggling and looks him dead in the face*

Matai: Wh...What?

Man: They...They shot... Darius.

*The man lets Matai go and slumps over, unconscious. Matai blood turned into ice shards as he looked around and saw no sign of Darius. He panicked and started towards the basement. People tried to stop him but he shoved past them and ran downstairs​. He scanned the area before he spotted a crumbled body on the ground. Once he saw the curly dark brown hair with blonde ends, his heart sunk. He turned Darius on his back, earning a grunt and groan from the injured man. Matai laid Darius on his lap and examines the wound. He had a bullet hole in his chest and blood stained his shirt and the ground around him. Matai looked at Darius in fear, knowing that that was all he could do*

Darius: Ma...Mat...*coughing*

Matai: *shakes head* Shut up Juaquin. You're fine. We just...*applies pressure to wound* Just need to get you outta here.

*Juaquin grabs Matai's shaking hand and moves it. He then balls his fist up and lightly punches his jaw. Matai cocks his eyebrow and Juaquin laughs and coughs up blood*

Unstable Love AffairWhere stories live. Discover now