Valentines' Special

Start from the beginning

He kissed her cheek and smiled. "Let's try it out."

She nodded and released the ball into the water. The couple watched as the bath bomb started to dissolve into the water and changing the water into purple which smells lavender-ish. After the bath bomb had finished dissolving, an opaque blue ball was left floating on the water. Touka turned to him and cocked her head to the side, confused.

"Open it." He said.

She grabbed the ball and cracked it into half. Inside was a box with the same size as a palm. Kaneki took the box from her hands and turned the box so it faced her. He opened the box and inside laid a diamond ring. He gazed into her blue eyes that he loved so much. "Kirishima Touka, will you marry me?"

Her eyes stung and tears dripped down her cheeks. He watched her, eyes wide as she frantically tried to wipe away her tears with the back of her hands but the tears didn't seem to stop. "T-Touka-chan, why are you crying?" Internally, he was panicking. Normally when a guy proposes to a girl, the girl would be super happy and grinning from ear to ear but she just started crying over there.

But he forgot Touka wasn't any other normal girl. She has very strong insecurities of herself, often saying she's not pretty or she's not who he thinks she is. Regardless, he still loves her the same.

Touka shook her head. "I just...I don't know what to say... I never dreamed someone would actually propose to me. I mean I'm not pretty or anything, I can't do house chores, I'm not good in studying—"

He pressed his index finger to her lips and shook his head. "Don't say anymore. Even if you can't do anything, I will still love you. I didn't fall in love with your skills or abilities, but fell in love with your character and that's all that matters to me. That's why no matter you are good at certain things or not, I will still stay with you and I'll love you forever."

She tackled him with a hug and he was taken aback by the sudden action. Still holding the box in one hand, he wrapped his other hand around her waist. "So I'll take your answer as a yes?" He asked.

"Would you rather I said no?" She asked.

He pushed her back by her shoulder. "No! But if you did say no, I'll be really sad." He said, head tilted down and eyes downcast.

Touka laughed and used her finger to wipe away her tears. "I'm saying yes, you big baby. But you better not cheat on me, or I'll divorce you." She warned.

Kaneki's face immediately lit up. "I won't, I promise!" He grinned as he took her hand into his and placed the ring through her fourth finger.

The violet haired female looked down at the beautiful diamond ring before stifling a laugh. "But seriously though, who in the right mind would propose in a bathroom with both of us naked?"

"Ah you're making fun of me, aren't you?" Kaneki pouted as he placed the box down somewhere so it wouldn't get wet.

She pulled him down for a kiss. "Yes I am but I loved it. Thank you, Ken." Grinning, she pressed a kiss to his cheek.

He smiled and held his palms out. "Where's my Valentine's Day present? I gave you yours already."

She looked at him with an incredulous look. "Seriously? The proposal was your gift?" Sighing, she glanced down at the diamond ring and continued. "Oh well can't blame you. The ring must have been expensive. Remember how I said I would never go on a bookstore date with you? I'll go with you, just for today."

Pulling her into a tight hug, Kaneki couldn't stop grinning. This day couldn't get any better. She agreed to marry him and he gets to go on a bookstore date with her. "Yay! Thank you!"

The ghoul couple got out of their bath and changed into a set of new clothes before setting out on their book store date. The two found an aisle where some of Kaneki's favorite books were. The white haired male picked up one book and went into the world of books within a minute already. But he was interrupted as he caught a glimpse of Touka picking up a book and reading.

He won't say anything because he knows she'll start getting all embarrassed and say she's reading books just for him and that she doesn't really like the books. But he knows that she's starting to like books because of him. In that aisle, there was only the two of them. One of his arms went around her waist and she looked up at him. "What are you doing?"

"Shh..." He whispered while he brought his other hand which was holding the book, up to cover both of their faces. He closed the distance between them and kissed her on the lips.

Pulling back, he gazed at her lovingly and said while smiling, "I love you."

She was surprised at first but then moved to cup his cheeks and locked her eyes onto his, eyes softening. She smiled. "I love you too, Kaneki Ken."

Happy Valentine's Day.


Alright for couples out there, anywhere in the world, I wish you guys forever happiness on this special day! For those who don't have a real life boyfriend, don't worry! We have our fictional boyfriends to keep us company! (I just called Kaneki fictional 😭😭)

Sorry I haven't been updating much. As I have mentioned earlier, this is my last semester in school so I need all the time to study as much as I can. I wrote this chapter when I was traveling to and fro for school so it didn't take up much time thankfully. My exams are in only 3 weeks omg.

But ugh, I want everything to be over soon. I can't wait to graduate in March ><

I have some ideas but I can't find the time to turn them into one shots. For now, I'll write them down so I can write when I have time. :)

In the meantime, I kinda feel that my one shots are getting less creative. I seem to have problem coming up with ideas to write on. What do you guys think?? Are my one shots lacking in creativity?

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