Sunday Blues [Nouis]

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A.N.: Fuck I love omegaverse so much omg, continuing this on tumblr!

Niall had been doing something of relative import, something big and all consuming, but he draws a blank when he hears his bedroom door creak open and glancing over his shoulder reveals his step-brother, Louis, leaning his head in through the small crack of space. "Uh, Niall?"

And Niall curses and slams his laptop shut, on the off chance he had porn open - he seriously can’t remember - but he paints a scowl over his lips and crosses his arms huffily over his chest because, "Jesus fucking Christ, does no one in this family knock anymore?" Niall snaps off in a rough voice and, yeah, he is definitely lashing out, definitely unnecessarily mean but he’s not exactly lying now is he.

Louis has the good graces to dip his head in shame but he came here for a reason so Niall sighs and totes his elbows on the chair armrest because he does have a heart, even if it’s black on the inside. ”Yeah, what do you want?” He asks in an even voice, propping his head on his chin lightly when Louis steps fully into the room.

"Just wanted to let you know," Louis starts, glancing up almost nervously but, when their eyes lock, he doesn’t drop their gaze. "Mom and Dad are gone out with some friends," Niall resents the fact that Louis is just so gung ho to call Niall’s father ‘dad’ because he sure isn’t comfortable calling Louis’ mother ‘mom’ but he just chalks that up to a total disagreement with this familial arrangement. "Greg’s gone to work, and my sisters’ are gone to their father’s."

Louis finishes off in a roundabout voice and, though it is nice to know, Niall kind of wants to poke his eyes out. “Thanks for the update.” Niall rolls his eyes instead and swings back around to his computer again, starting to pry it open when he still feels Louis’ gaze boring into the back of his head. So, he glances over his shoulder with a glare. “Are you done?”

"No, I’m not." Louis crosses his arms over his chest now, seemingly taking the offensive instead of the defensive, so Niall swings back around to him and mirrors his position. Louis eyes Niall up and down in a tension filled silence before he sighs and rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet. "Niall, you know you’re in heat, right?" 

Niall scoffs. This is what Louis came to tell him? He pushes off his chair and twists away, heading over to his dresser with scorn. “Stop the fucking presses.” He snarks over his shoulder as he pulls out a sweater and he can’t help but pull it on, a last ditch effort to mask the pheromones he knows he’s exuding in the air. “No, shit sherlock. I’m aware.”

Niall heads back over to his chair and sinks down in it with a sigh, waving a hand over at Louis as if to excuse him from the room but Louis stays still. ”I’m just saying,” Louis shrugs, rolling back in his step as he dips his hands in his pockets but he must think better of it because he twists around and eyes Niall warily. “Do you want help though?”

"What," Niall throws his hands up in resignation before he just shoots Louis a flat look. "You want to help me fuck myself with a vibrator in ten minutes?" Niall expects a sneer or a roll of the eyes or something other than Louis’ eyes darkening in the seconds before he twists his head away and, oh shit. Niall chokes down a gasp and lurches forward in his seat. "You do, don’t you?" Niall stands up from his chair with shaky legs, barely laughing out a short lived, "Holy shit," before he sinks back down in his seat. 

And he’s still trying to struggle down the mere though of it when Louis twists around, pushing open the door further so that the knob hits harshly against the far wall. ”Whatever. Just thought I’d ask.” Louis barks over his shoulder before he disappears and, yeah, there are words hanging in the tension of the air. They don’t need to be said because they’re both thinking it; Niall may be smirking now but he sure as shit is going to be moaning Louis’ name later and that sucks the laugh right out of him.

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