Who Steals The Covers At Night? [Narry]

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Niall lets out an infuriated huff and squirms out of bed, padding halfway across the room before Harry stirs, craning his head up slightly. “Where’re you going?” Harry manages to slur out, voice low and awfully raspy.

"To sleep on the couch.” Niall hisses, spinning on his heels to glare at Harry still crumpled on the bed.

The words wake Harry up a little more and he pushes himself to sit up, propping pillows underneath himself when he starts to fall back. “What? Why?” 

"Because someone doesn’t know how to share the covers!” Niall growls and, without waiting for an answer, he tugs open the bedroom door and stomps out of the room. 

Niall immediately heads to the hall closet and grabs one of the blankets stowed away inside, shuffling down the stairs before he flops down on the sofa and drapes the blanket over himself.

He huffs and crosses his arms as he stares angrily up at the ceiling but he jumps when the floorboards by the stairs creak under the pressure of weight placed on them. 

Niall tilts his head back in time to see Harry shambling guiltily toward him, a pillow tucked under one arm and the coverlet hung around his shoulders.

"I’m sorry." He pouts, tossing his pillow to the floor beside the couch before he sinks down, slithering his hand under Niall’s blanket to lace their fingers together. "Don’t make me sleep alone." 

Niall sighs but thumbs over the back of Harry’s hand lightly, shifting to lie on his shoulder before he speaks in a petulant tone. “We have a perfectly good bed upstairs and we’re both down here.” Niall rolls his eyes but sends a small smile Harry’s way, shifting back on the couch a little so Harry has the space to place his head. 

A.N.: This was my favourite out of the question drabbles :) Also, fun fact, I do this kinda thing on my tumblr every week (like a fan friday) hahah where I post a list of prompts that people can send me one from so if you don't follow me on tumblr, you're missing out! I've done it every friday for about three weeks but I don't know if I'll do it this friday, school and all that, anyways, swing by to see if I do! 

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