Remembering [Narry]

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A.N.: Related to Amnesia.

“I…” Harry stuttered, kicking at the ground before producing a small black, leather-bound notebook from behind himself. “Just here…” He shoved the notebook over to Niall and stepped back in case Niall swung out at him. “I know you have no idea who I am and I know you don’t know what this is but… just here…” 

Niall wrapped his fingers gently around the notebook and looked down at it curiously before he glanced back up at Harry. 

“I know about your illness… about how your memory doesn’t last through the night and about how you don’t remember what happened the past day.” Harry took a cautious step forward, wary of Niall pushing him away or running away.

“I know about how you have to live here because you have nowhere else to go but your life isn’t that hopeless, Niall.” Harry took another  step and tapped his fingers gently against the notebook. “This is your salvation, Niall.”

Niall was still staring at him with wide eyes so Harry felt compelled to keep talking, blurting out the first things that came to his mind. “Just.. write down everything that happens during your day… you know… when you get the chance and… and then, you can’t possibly forget.” 

Niall started nodding slowly, hugging the notebook closer to his chest. “I see.” Niall spoke in a slow voice, fingers curling around the soft leather. “But, I don’t think I’ll be needing it, Harry.” 

And, at those words, Harry let out a gasp and stumbled back, falling to the floor on his ass. “Because I remember you, Harry. I remember you.”

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