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A.N.: I apologize to all of you who ship Larry. I may be mocking it slightly in this one. Not too badly. Just a little. Gomen.

“What’re they saying about us?” Harry flopped back onto the bed with the bowl of popcorn and Niall let out a tsk as some kernels hopped out onto the bed. 

“They’re saying,” Niall said, plucking a couple pieces off the sheets before chucking them in his mouth. “That you and Louis are definitely together.” Niall glanced over at Harry in time to see him pull a face. 

“They’re still on about that? My god,” Harry rolled his eyes before stuffing his face with popcorn. “Go on.” 

“And they’re saying…” Niall dragged on the last syllable as he scrolled down the page. “Well, it’s a toss up between Liam and Zayn being together, Liam and I being together, or Liam, Zayn, and I having a raunchy threesome all the time.”

“That last one’s kinda hot.” Harry nudged Niall’s leg with his elbow and, when Niall looked at him, he quirked up his eyebrows teasingly. “You’ll let me watch if that ever happens, yeah?” 

“Harry!” Niall exclaimed, rolling his eyes at the mere suggestion. “You know that would never happen. It’s just delusional.” Niall slammed the lid of his laptop shut and tossed it onto the bed beside himself before he flopped back on it with a huff. 

“What do they say about us us?” Harry hovered over Niall, gesturing between them. 

“They say…” Niall looked up at Harry, suddenly breathless, before he tore his eyes away. “They didn’t say anything.” He lies for a moment, crossing his arms over his chest. 

“Nothing?” Harry squawked, disbelievingly. 

“Nothing.” Niall nodded, pursing his lips. Truth be told, the things they’d said about him and Harry had his heart racing and his mind reeling in ideas that he almost futilely repressed. “Nothing at all.” 

“Well, what do you say about us?” Niall couldn’t help but open his eyes at Harry’s words and he realized that Harry had gotten a lot closer since he’d shut them but Harry wasn’t meeting his eyes.

Instead, Harry was watching his lips as Niall opened them to speak and Niall stuttered on his words. Harry looked up at Niall again before he crawled on top of him, planting his hands into the bed beside Niall’s head.

“Uh…” Niall breathed out, reaching up a shaky hand to touch at Harry’s arm.

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