Gentle Peck [Narry]

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Because Niall's room is next to the hallway, he hears the laboured shuffling before the faint knock at his door and he takes a moment to just lie there, waiting for the knock to come again.

It does after momentary wait and then Niall makes a noise, just a low grunt in the back of his throat. It's obviously enough because the door opens slowly, a low creak that spills a fine stream of light into the room, and then a hooded figure slips in.

Harry is wrapped comically in a navy blue blanket that has stars painted across it in bright yellow and he wavers in the doorway for a moment before Niall quirks his head and Harry shambles in.

Niall squirms back on the bed so there's enough room for Harry to slide under the covers as well and he drapes his blanket over them both before he settles in the pillows and Niall's just started falling back to sleep when Harry nuzzles their noses gently together, brushing their lips just the faintest bit before he pulls away again.

Niall freezes for a moment as Harry lets out a sleepy sigh and shuts his eyes but he reaches across the bed instead and cups Harry's throat, thrumming his thumb over Harry's jaw to hold him steady as he leans back in and just slots their lips together, gliding them smoothly in a sleepy kiss.

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