It's Yours [Narry]

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A.N.: warning, mpreg. Don't like, don't look.

“Hah-Harry, please, just listen to me.” Niall begged in a whimper, stumbling after him as they headed down some shady alley behind a concert hall. He tried to walk in a straight line but he was stumbling all over, bashing into the corner as Harry took a turn down the hall. “P-please, Harry, please! Just hear what I’m saying!”

“You’ve nothing to say to me and I’ve nothing to say to you and that’s that. Stop following me.” Harry growled over his shoulder, narrowing his eyes at Niall as he pushed his way down an adjacent hall, clenching his fists stiffly at his sides as he walked.

“Harry!” Niall screeched, letting out a sob before he clasped his hands to his trembling lips. He couldn’t run after Harry anymore. He was drained so he just let his knees buckle beneath him, falling to the floor in the middle of the hall. Niall let his head hang as he cried unabashedly, rich sobs wracking through his body as his shoulders shook. “Please!”

Harry’s steady footsteps making their way away finally stopped but didn’t move closer. Nevertheless, it was a small victory. Niall dug his nails into his thighs and took a ragged breath, desperately trying to stop his tears. “I’m pregnant.” He finally sobbed out, raising his head a fraction and he saw Harry’s feet spin on the balls of his heels.

“Is this some kind of sick joke?” Harry hissed out after a moment but all Niall could hear was him gritting his teeth. “Do you think this is a fucking joke, Niall?” Footsteps stomped back over to him and Niall looked up in time only to feel hands roughly hauling him to his feet before pushing him back into a wall and holding him there. Harry’s hands pinned his shoulders back and he let out a choked sob as Harry growled low, getting right up in his face. “Do you think I give a shit what you and Louis get up to?”

Niall raised his hands and forced Harry away, pushing him roughly back with a broken sob. “Don’t you dare put your hands on me!” He cried, reaching up his hands to tug at his hair. “I am carrying your child, Harry! Yours!” Niall curled into the wall and he started crying again, clasping his hands to rub at the ache in his shoulders from Harry’s tight grip.

“I saw you, Niall.” Harry hissed and Niall looked back at him with a stone in his throat, watched as Harry tilted his head to the side so he could sneer at him. “I saw you leave Louis’ apartment. I saw you, okay?” Harry scoffed and hugged his arms around his chest, walking a little ways away from Niall so his voice dropped low as he continued. “It’s as if you think I’m fucking stupid.”

Niall had just gone to Louis’ house to tell him that whatever they had, their friendship, their partnership, the makings of a relationship, it was gone and it would never be the same but he hadn’t thought it necessary to actually hide or anything like that, not that he had thought he would be followed.

Niall sniffed and wiped at his nose with the heel of his hand before he reached forward to grab the front of Harry’s shirt. “I’m not lying to you!” Niall half growled, half sobbed, just fully cried but Harry wasn’t listening to him.

Harry grabbed Niall’s wrists to shake them free from his shirt before he shoved him back into the wall and, this time, Niall crumpled to the floor, curling into the wall again as he bawled. Harry set his jaw stiffly, feeling dread creep into his bones because he had hurt Niall, he had physically hurt him. Harry didn’t want to hurt Niall but he himself had been hurt and he could do nothing about it except for transfer the pain so he crouched down in front of Niall and grabbed roughly at his chin.

Harry pressed their foreheads together so Niall had no choice but to look into his eyes when he spoke again, voice hoarse from all the growling. “I’ll believe that when I see a fucking paternity test.”

Niall’s cries hitched in his throat but the tears kept streaming down his face and Harry just scoffed, pulling away so he could stand back up. Niall twisted into the wall, tucking his knees into his chest as he continued to cry and the last thing Harry wanted to do was walk away but he forced his left foot to move then his right foot and he kept going until Niall’s sobs faded away and then he broke down, falling to his knees as he pressed the heels of his palms into his tearing eyes. He willed himself to stop crying, dug his nails into his hairline and pressed his knees into the cold floor but he couldn’t stop.

A.N.: I'm not even sure what this is and someone's already asked for a second part on my tumblr. istg

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