Hiya, Neighbour! [Narry]

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Harry is zoning out, brushing his teeth in that boring back and forth movement when he notices the face in the mirror and he literally (not literally) shits his pants. He jumps, fists a hand into the towel wrapped around his waist as he spins around, eyeing the blonde boy with cautious eyes. The boy is blushing and turning paler at the same time, averting his eyes to the ground as he shuffles his feet anxiously. 

"Um, hi." Harry says after a moment, turning back to the sink to wash froth from his lips before he drops his toothbrush into the little holder on the edge. When he doesn’t get an answer, Harry looks back at the boy to see him gone and he starts, fleeting wondering if he imagined the boy but the door adjoining the neighbouring dorm room to the shared bathroom is still open a crack so Harry walks toward it, pushing it open the rest of the way. 

Harry doesn’t know if it’s an invasion of privacy into the strange dorm room but he still pokes his head in to see the blonde boy there, all curled up on the bed with his knees pressed against his chest and his nose tucked into the dip between them. “Uh, Blondie? Or…” Harry doesn’t know his name. “What’s your name?” 

"Niall." The blonde mumbles before he raises his head slowly, turning away once he sees Harry still hasn’t put clothes on. "I’m sorry. I was just coming to take a shower and I- I mean, I saw the light on but- It didn’t register! I… like, I grew up with a brother so I know what it’s like to share a bathroom but not with a stranger and I’m sorry.” Niall takes a deep breath once he’s finished and his shoulders hunch and Harry just chuckles lightly. 

"It’s okay." Harry shrugs carelessly. "It’s okay, Niall." He tests out the name on his tongue before he decides he likes it. "I’m not a stranger to shared bathrooms in college. Is this your first year?" 

"First semester," Niall nods, letting his legs stretch out before he shuffles back on the bed, pressing his back against the wall. "I don’t know how I’m going to deal with communal living." 

"Well, if you ever need anything or someone to talk to, I’m just next door, okay? Don’t be a stranger!" Harry smiles wide when Niall meets his eyes before he ducks back into the bathroom and gathers his dirty clothes off the floor. He shuts his own bathroom door lightly before he flops down on his bed, hugging a pillow to his chest because all he wants to do is go back into Niall’s room if only just to talk to him. 

A.N.: Fuck, I love writing college!narry. Anyway, I'm gonna explain this right now because I know some people aren't going to understand. Basically, Niall is a freshman who just moved into the dorm room beside Harry and they share a bathroom, a seperate door leading into each room. Harry is brushing his teeth for bed after taking a shower but then Niall comes in and, well, I hope you can figure out the rest! hahah Hope you enjoyed! 

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