Who Pays For Dinner? [Nouis]

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Niall spears a pea on his fork and pulls it back a little before he lets the pint sized vegetable fly. It soars across the way and Louis twists to watch its trajectory straight into the wine glass of some big boned woman. 

"Yeah!" Niall throws up his hands in celebration once neither the woman nor her company notices but he hunches down when people turn to stare.

"God, I’m sorry if this is a little forward." Louis says, holding out a hand as he speaks. "But this is probably one of the best dates I’ve ever been on and I don’t think I’ve ever had more fun." 

Niall flushes and ducks his head to hide the wide grin spreading on his lips. “Me too, Louis. I… I’m having a really good time.” 

"And this place-" Louis starts but cuts himself off quickly. "My friend said this place would be wonderful for a first date but she is so wrong. The food here is so terrible!" Louis gestures down to their uneaten food and Niall can’t help but nod. 

"I mean, it’s not bad but I was down some hot dogs to be honest." 

"Well, what the hell are we still doing here?" Louis shuts up just as a haughty waiter walks over, pointy nose held high in the air.

"And how was the food, Monsieurs?" He asks in a stuffy voice and Niall can’t help but imitate him, holding his hand underneath his chin as he purses his lips in disdain, much to Louis’ amusement. 

"Oh, it was quite magnificent, thank you." Niall returns, copying the waiter’s tone as well but the man refrains from shooting Niall a look to turn to Louis. 

"Yeah, it was very… entertaining." Louis crumples in his chair, snickering under his breath as the man sighs and picks up their full plates. 

"Shall I bring the bill then?" He asks in a voice reluctant to return to their table but he nods once Louis murmurs his assent, disappearing off into the restaurant.

"I don’t even want to give this place my money." Niall rolls his eyes, tilting his head back to stare disdainfully at the ceiling.

"D’you want to go then?" Louis leans across the table secretively, crossing his arms in the now empty space.

"The guy isn’t back yet." Niall points vaguely around the room but Louis just tucks his jacket under his arm and slips out of his chair, crouching low to the ground. 

"Haven’t you ever heard of dine and dash?" Louis chuckles, beckoning Niall closer and, after a moment, Niall follows suit. They both start crawling their way to the front door much to the bane of the other patrons and they’ve just made it to the front door when there’s a shout. 

"Wait! Stop them!"

"Run!" Louis jumps to his feet and pushes past the front man, holding open the front door so Niall can sprint through and they both take off into the night, running four blocks and taking two corners before they finally stop, leaning against a wall to catch their breath. 

"Oh my god, that was so crazy! Why did we do that?" Niall presses a clammy hand to his forehead as his chest heaves heavily. Louis throws his head back in a laugh and he shrugs his shoulders before he leans forward and plants a big, wet smack on the side of Niall’s cheek, blocking the hands that fruitlessly bat him away. 

A.N.: I hate this. I really really hate this. Uuguhuhuhg like the idea was good or decent in my head but so badly executed. I don't want to rework it though... bleh. 

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