Hell [Narry]

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A.N.: I'm no pro at writing fight scenes, I'll tell you that much right now.

Niall woke up to the feeling of fingers running up and down his chest, followed by lips and teeth kissing softly up his skin. Niall couldn’t help but arch up slightly, letting out a sigh as he reached a hand down to knot into curls. “Harry,” Niall moaned but his eyes shot open once his fingers found straight locks instead of the silk he expected to find.

There was a sharp bite at his side and he let out a cry again before a voice snapped at him. “Not quite.”

Niall pushed himself up quickly, kicking his feet to try to get away and he landed a solid kick in Zayn’s face so that Zayn jerked back and clapped a hand to his nose. Niall crawled back, forcing his shirt back over his chest before he pushed himself to his feet. “Get the hell away from me!” Niall roared, backing further away until he hit a wall and he palmed at it until he found a doorknob. He tugged open the door and stepped through it but he found his eyes drawn back to the man on the floor and he spun around to look at him once more.

Zayn was standing up now, wiping the blood on his hands across his cheek in one smooth stripe before he opened his eyes again and he hissed one word. “Run,”

Niall let out a scream and he took off into the hall, unable to take flight as the hallways were too narrow but he could sure as hell run for his life. He wasn’t too sure where he was going as the dark halls all looked the same but he just needed to get as far away from Zayn as he could. He finally burst out into a large, open room and he spread his wings to fly up into the rafters, hiding in the darkness.

Zayn strolled into the room a moment later and Niall clapped a hand over his mouth to hold in sobs that threatened to break out. Zayn slid his hands into his pockets as he started whistling and he walked until he was right underneath Niall but, up to now, his eyes had seemingly been glued to the floor until he suddenly looked up. His dark eyes met Niall’s and Niall let out a shrill scream behind his hand.

Zayn leapt up in the air, flying until he stood in tandem with Niall before he smirked at him. “Found you,” He sang, reaching out a hand to grab Niall off the ledge before he threw him to the floor and Niall went plummeting down, smacking his head harshly against the warped tiled floor. Zayn let himself glide back to the ground, a couple steps away from Niall and, he had just started to move closer when the doors to the room burst open and Harry stormed in.

“Zayn!” He howled, running forward. “You leave him the fuck alone!”

“Oh, Harry, it’s about time you got here. I was afraid I would have to do something serious.” Zayn spun on his heel so that he faced Harry and he crossed his arms over his chest. “Since we’re an honest family, I’ll tell you everything.” Zayn glanced over at Niall, smirking as he rolled onto his side and rubbed at his head, before he met Harry’s eyes again. “Your little pet makes some sweet noises when he’s in pleasure…and in pain. I would love to hear the sounds he makes when I’m in him.”

Harry let out a growl and ran forward, punching Zayn once before he grabbed the front of his shirt in angry fists. “Go to hell!” Harry roared, shoving Zayn away hard before he raised his fist to strike him down again but Zayn’s hand shot out and he caught Harry’s fist in an excruciatingly tight grip. His other hand rose quickly and, stepping closer to Harry, he wrapped his fingers around Harry’s throat in two swift movements.

“Can’t you see?” Zayn whispered dangerously low. “We’re already here.” He grinned maliciously and he tightened his grip around Harry’s throat. “And you are no longer welcome.” Zayn threw Harry back and he let out a groan of pain as he hit the wall and sank to the floor.

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