Worry [Narry]

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Harry paced back and forth in the hallway, hands shoved deep into his pockets and anxiety marring his face. Niall wasn’t home yet. He was supposed to be home hours ago! He hadn’t called or texted – at least, not that Harry had seen – so Harry was freaking out but consciously trying to reel himself back in.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a key in the front door and he froze as it was pushed open and a very obviously drunk Niall stumbled into the house, slamming the door and leaning on it with a sigh.

“Niall! Oh, my god! Where’ve you been?! I’ve been so worried!” Harry shouted, rushing forward to eye Niall cautiously.

“Oh, Harry.” Niall slurred, looking up to meet Harry’s eyes. Niall pushed off the door and stumbled forward, arms shooting out before they wrapped around Harry’s neck and Niall pressed his face against Harry’s chest. “I missed you so-o-o-o-o-o much!”

“Where’ve you been?” Harry repeated, unsure of where to place his hands on Niall, to pet his hair to soothe him, or to hold his sides to support him. Harry settled on one hand doing each and he pulled Niall upright and closer to him.

“Zayn!” Niall cried out suddenly and Harry jerked back at the strong smell of rum coming from Niall’s mouth.

“You were with Zayn?” Harry asked and he tried to hold in his jealousy but he’s been watching Zayn carefully and he’s seen all those looks Zayn’s been giving Niall so a drunk, touchy-feely Niall with Zayn isn’t a good idea in any situation.

“Niall,” Harry started in a very serious tone. “Did Zayn do something to you?” When Niall nodded enthusiastically, Harry’s heart sank and he growled low in his throat. “Did he…touch…you anywhere?” Harry swallowed thickly over that word but he sighed in relief as Niall shook his head.

Niall lifted his head to look into Harry’s eyes and there was a moment of clarity as he started speaking. “He kept trying to get me to go home with him. He said that he loved me.” Niall tucked his head against Harry’s shoulder again. “But I know that you love me the mostest.”

“I do.” Harry stroked his hand into Niall’s back. “I love you the mostest.” Harry tightened his grip on Niall, wrapping his arms fully around him as he was filled with a sense of pride but, underneath all that, he had anger coiling around in his core and he knew that, the next time he saw Zayn, he was going to kick his ass.

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