Trick Or Treat [Ziall]

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When the doorbell rings, Zayn pops up from his bed, barely containing his excitement. That’ll be Niall. He thinks with a smile, nearly bouncing on the balls of his feet as he heads to the front door, passing by the living room where he can just see Liam and Louis’ heads popping over the edge. “I’ll get it. It’s probably Niall.” He says redundantly because neither brunette had moved to stand.

Still, Liam tilts his head back to look at Zayn, jostling Louis where he’s leaning against Liam’s shoulder. “Where are you guys going?”

“We’re going to get candy.” Zayn says, snapping his fingers as he suddenly remembers. “I should probably get pillow cases for that.” He doubles back to the linen closet to grab two old ones before he starts to run back toward the door.

“Zayn,” Liam says as he rolls his eyes. “You’re not five. You’re twenty. You’re too old to go out for candy.” Louis chuckles his assent and tucks further into Liam’s side.

“Hey, I’m not one to argue against free candy!” Zayn shrugs his shoulders and Liam just looks away, shaking his head a little before he turns back to his movie. Zayn grins like he’s won some kind of battle before he runs to the door, lest Niall think he’s ignoring him, and he pulls it open only to feel his jaw drop

Literally, all he can see on the front stoop of his flat is ass. Ass clad in tight white shorts but ass nonetheless. “Um,” He speaks before his mind concludes that he should just stay quiet and enjoy the view, but then Niall flops over onto his side, falling on the ass Zayn no longer has the luxury to see.

"Zayner!" Niall cheers, trying to raise his hands but he lifts his shoe as well, hung up by the laces he’s in the process of tying. "Just, hang on." Niall turns down to his shoes and does it up fast before he jumps to his feet. He launches forward and pulls Zayn down into a hug, giving Zayn a face full of wings at the same time and Zayn splutters for a moment before he ducks into Niall’s throat. "Took you long enough!" Niall pulls back so he can smile at Zayn lightly before he looks Zayn up and down. "Err, no offence but what are you supposed to be?" 

"I’m a…" Zayn trails off because what the hell is he supposed to be again? He looks down at his body until it clicks. "I’m a demon. Or… Satan?" Zayn steps back into the apartment and grabs the last bits of his costume he forgot to put on, a pitchfork and red horns. "See?" 

"Uncanny." Niall grins wide and steps further into the apartment, wrapping his arms around Zayn’s waist. "And fitting. I’m an angel, see?" He gestures to his wings and Zayn nods.

"Yeah, I… I can see that." Zayn holds Niall away a little so he can see him fully and the white body suit he has on just hugs his every curve and makes Zayn want to drag him further into the apartment instead of outside. "You look…" Zayn trails off before he lets out a heave. "Wow." 

"Really?" Niall smiles even wider if possible and does a little turn for Zayn’s benefit but, when his back is toward Zayn, Zayn pushes him forward and into the door, crowding against his back so he can’t move.

"Yeah," Zayn breathes shakily, dropping his voice so Liam and Louis can’t hear before he ducks into Niall’s throat. "You look really good." 

A.N.: Is that ending out of place? Ah well, I dunno...

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