Sick [Narry]

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When Niall walks back into the room with a small cup of steaming tea, Harry perks up and rubs at his nose before he makes grabby hands at it. Niall chuckles a little, handing it over and Harry takes it gratefully. 

"Thanks, Ni." Harry says in a stuffed up voice, peeling the lid off so the vapour steams up his face. 

Niall shoots him a warm smile before pressing a hand to his forehead and fixing the blanket around his shoulders. “How do you feel, Harry?" 

"I feel sick." Harry mumbles redundantly before he takes a small sip of the tea and pulls a face as it’s not sweet enough.

He looks over at Niall to ask him to get more sugar but the blonde is already digging in his pocket, pulling out thin packs and holding them out to Harry. Harry murmurs his thanks and spikes his tea with sweetness before he curls back into the corner of the couch. 

"I’m sorry I let you guys down." His voice is muffled into the couch but Niall can hear him well enough. 

"Harry," Niall sighs, dropping onto the couch behind Harry and wrapping his arms around him. “You didn’t let us down." Niall says into Harry’s shoulder, brushing curls away from Harry’s forehead soothingly. “Don’t ever think that, okay?" 

Slowly but surely, Harry nods and he leans back into Niall’s chest, settling into Niall as he takes another sip of his tea. “Thanks, Ni. That means a lot." Harry breathes after a moment, letting his eyes flutter shut before he continues drinking.

DrabblesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora