Who Remembers Things? [Narry]

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Niall groans when he finally comes, arching up against the couch and pushing a hand against Harry before he slumps back down, gasping for breath. “Christ, Harry.” Niall gurgles, sliding a limp hand off the couch as Harry lowers his legs slowly and wipes at the slobber on his cheeks. “I mean, god. I just can’t…” 

"That’ll teach you to doubt me and my talented tongue." Harry chuckles, patting Niall’s thigh lightly before he stands up from the couch, adjusting himself in his pants. "Now where was I?" He swipes the control from the coffee table and scans through the channels sporadically before he settles on some avant guard horror movie. "Oh yes, Suspiria. This movie will change your life."

Niall sits up shakily, tugging his sweatpants and boxers back up his legs from where they’re looped around his ankles. “I’m pretty sure I just had an orgasm that changed my life. And I don’t want to watch your freaky Italian movie.” Niall rolls his eyes and starts to stand before he settles back against the couch, legs still silly putty. “Weren’t we even doing something before all this junk?” 

Harry stops and stares up at a corner of the ceiling, trying to remember exactly what they had been doing before they got into a fight and then he went down on Niall (only to prove that he did not only have a way with words but also his mouth). He took a deep breath, ready to sigh out the word no, when he realized he could faintly smell burning food drifting into the room. 

"Oh god," He jumped to his feet, arms flailing out to his sides as he panicked. "The turkey!" Harry vaulted over the coffee table and went sprinting across the living room, sliding into the kitchen as fast as he could to salvage what he could of their thanksgiving dinner but charred meat tastes nothing if not bad. 

A.N.: Happy late Thanksgiving to all my canadians! hahah and Happy not Thanksgiving to everyone else.

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