Flowers [Narry]

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"Yeah," Niall shrugs a little, twists to glance over his shoulder at Harry before he turns back to the fern he's trimming. "I feel like flowers are nice and all but the gesture itself is all like, 'here let me give you something that's dying. I love you.' It's very, I don't know, weird."

"And yet," Harry gestures around, stepping back when Niall stands up to put the fern back on the proper shelf. "You work in a flower shop. Riddle me that, batman."

"It's really just the money." Niall hisses over with a grin, wiping dirty hands on his pants before he heads over to another flower that needs tending to and Harry follows him like a dutiful puppy.

"So, what you're telling me is that you'd prefer a, let's say, a rock over a flower?" Harry asks, cocking his head to the side as Niall fusses over a bunch of flowers organized prettily together.

"Um," Niall bites gently into his bottom lip, spinning around fully to consider Harry properly and it takes him a moment but, eventually, he does nod his head. "Yeah, I mean, it'd have to be a nice rock but, at least, it won't die. I won't have to throw it out, I mean."

"Yeah," Harry understands what Niall means and so what if he takes the whole of his march break vacation to scour the Caribbean beaches for a rock pretty enough to match up to Niall's tastes. The smile on Niall's face when Harry gives it to him is worth the sunburn a thousand times over.

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