Halo [Narry/Lilo]

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A.N.: Last chapter because I'm sooo tired of this thing omg. It took me song long to get this part out too like wtf. Anyways, enjoy! :)

“Louis,” Liam said, standing between the two parties. “This is my brother, Niall, and his … boy-toy, demon thing, Harry.” Liam gestured vaguely at Harry, ignoring just how truthful his words were. Harry shot him a contemptuous look before he and Niall looked over at Louis and Louis gaped at them openly.

“Holy shit,” Louis breathed, staring from Liam to Niall to Harry and back to Liam. “Is it just me or are you all like ridiculously good looking?”

“Well, thank you,” Harry grinned, shoving his hands in his pockets before he leaned to the side and cocked his hip out.

Niall looked from Harry to Louis and narrowed his eyes as he identified a rival. Niall threw his arm out and pushed Harry back a step before he glared at Louis. “I think it’s time you leave.” He growled bluntly, wings fluttering in irritation.

Louis held up his hands in surrender, taking a step back, but Harry wrapped his hand around Niall’s arm to spin him back around. “Ni,” Harry sighed, wrapping his arms around Niall’s neck slowly before he tugged him close. “After all we’ve just been through,” Harry didn’t finish his sentence; it was a sentence that didn’t need finishing.

Niall just shot him a bashful grin before he leaned up and Harry caught his lips, letting his tongue flit out to tap against the roof of Niall’s mouth and swallow down the giggle he let out. Liam rolled his eyes when Harry sank to the floor and Niall followed him down, straddling his thighs as they never once broke apart.

“I’m so sorry.” Liam hissed to Louis, cradling his eyes in shame before he glared over at Harry and Niall. “You two are so unhelpful!” Liam groaned in a voice oozing with sarcasm as they pulled apart.

“Sorry,” Niall droned out over pants, grinning up at Liam as he started rocking his hips down into Harry, grinding them together as he moved back and forth. “We’ll just leave you to it.” He leapt off Harry and Harry literally sprang up like a spring before the two of them scurried out of the room, shutting the door with a snap behind themselves.

Liam looked back at Louis nervously and he saw that Louis was eyeing the wall with his own air of nervousness. “We’re not gonna start hearing them, are we? Because I could do without that.”

“No, no,” Liam shook his head quickly, flushing but holding out his hands, palms up in emphasis. “These walls are like impenetrably sound proof, I mean, I’ve never heard them before and, knowing the shit they get up to, I should’ve but I haven’t and I’m rambling now.” Liam clapped a hand to his lips to shut himself up before he looked at the ground and flushed. “What I meant to say is, I brought them in here to help me tell you something and they weren’t all that helpful so now I’ll have to tell you myself. Um,” He trailed off, glancing up Louis to see his bunched up brows.

“You don’t like me.” Louis said in a deadpanned voice, clasping his hands behind his back.

“No, I do! I do.” Liam rushed to say, starting to move forward before he held himself back. “I really, really do.” He kicked at the ground nervously before he started to pace around. “It’s just that, my father…he…he won’t like you.”

“Because I’m a guy?” Louis crossed his arms over his chest as he snapped his words, raising an eyebrow unimpressed and Liam shuffled uncomfortably. “Your brother and his friend are together so that’s not fair.”

“No, it’s not because of that.” Liam waved his hands vaguely, turning away. “It’s just that…we’re different, you and I. We’re not the same. My father won’t accept you.”

“I don’t understand.” Louis sank onto the edge of the bed, holding his hands out in question. “We’re both just people unless you’re some kind of European royalty I’ve never heard about.”

“I’m not… ‘just people’, okay? I’m different.” Liam shrugged before he hunched over in submission. “I’m not human. You are. That is why my father won’t like you.”

Louis pushed himself off the bed and looked at Liam with flat eyes. “If you didn’t want to date me, you could’ve just said so.” Louis dropped his eyes to the ground and shook his head a little before he turned away and started walking toward the door.

“N-no!” Liam rushed after Louis, grabbing his arm and spinning him around. “I really do like you! But I’m also really not human.”

“Uh huh?” Louis sneered, rolling his eyes and trying to squirm out of Liam’s grip. “Prove it to me.”

“Look down.” Unbeknownst to Louis, Liam had started hovering off the ground, only to steadily fly higher until they nearly touched the ceiling.

“Holy fuck!” Louis gasped, reaching forward to wrap his arms and legs fully around Liam’s body. “How are you doing this?!”

“I tried to tell you.” Liam shrugged, reaching up a hand to push at the ceiling when they got too close. “You could use some finesse in your observation skills.” Liam chuckled, noting that this was the second time Louis had failed to notice his special abilities.

“I could use some,” Louis started low before he glared up at Liam. “You could start by explaining how you’re flying!”

Liam slowly lowered them before he gently pried Louis off of himself. “I told you. It’s magic.” Liam chuckled, shoving his hands loosely in his pockets. “I said I wasn’t normal.”

“Jesus, you must have some amazing sex.” Louis breathed before he flushed and rubbed at the back of his neck. “I did not mean to say that out loud.”

“Well,” Liam took a deep breath to build up his nerve before he smiled at Louis. “Would you like to find out?”

Louis let out a long groan as he nodded, rushing forward to cup Liam’s cheeks and drag him down for a searing kiss. “Yes, god yes.” He breathed into Liam’s mouth before he let his tongue seek through Liam’s lips after his words, tracing over the subtle bumps on Liam’s tongue.

Liam let his hands scale over Louis’ hips, tugging him closer until they pressed together, chest to chest. Liam’s heart was racing out of control in his chest and he could feel Louis’ beating just as strongly against him as Louis let his hands slide from Liam’s face, over his neck, before knotting behind his head.

“So, did you guys solve it?”

Louis and Liam jumped apart and Liam clapped his hands to his face in embarrassment until he realized that it wasn’t his father that had walked in but his brother. “God, you scared me!” Liam roared, clenching his fists at his sides.

Niall rolled his eyes but stuck a finger between his swollen, grinning lips. He pushed off the doorframe and sauntered into the room, wrapping his hand around the bed post and swinging around it. “The amount of times you’ve walked in on me,” He trailed off, jumping back on the bed. “I think you deserved that one.”

Liam let out a huff, pushing Niall so that he lay flat on the bed before he turned back to shoot Louis a smile. “Yes, we’ve figured it out. We’re good now.”

A.N.: Don't even ask for another part cos I'm not writing one!

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