Meeting The Family [Nessie]

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"Ah, Breslin, so nice to see you again." His father was saying something about Bressie’s music career but Niall wasn’t really listening, too busy fumbling with a string on the back of Bressie’s sweater that needed to be taken off, yes, right at this moment.

He did eventually tune in for one moment when his father said it was nice that Niall had other friends than just the boys. “Boyfriend,” Niall coughed out before ducking behind Bressie to figure out exactly where this string was stuck and why couldn’t he get it off and it was only in the deafening silence that he realized what he had done and, as he leaned back out from behind Bressie’s hulking form, he saw his whole family gaping blankly at them and even Bressie had wide eyes because, wow, that was not the way they wanted to come out. 

They had planned to do it over dinner, in a gentle manner, speeches prepared and everything but Niall had gone and done it right then and there and then his mother turned to his father and held out her hand. “You owe me twenty euros,” and yeah, he was a little bit confused but they didn’t seem mad so he chalked it up as a win in his books.

A.N.: I wasn't sure about the money thing cos like whoops canadian but like yeah, I think it's euros. also I was chanelling stiles levels of awkward here hahah too much sterek! 

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