Illness [Nosh/Narry]

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A.N.: Some kind of sequel to Cancer.

When Niall’s phone vibrated against the kitchen table, he hesitated before he picked it up and grimaced once he saw the message on the screen. It was from his boyfriend, Josh Devine, asking Niall to call him because he had some big news and Niall toyed his finger over the call button before he let out a deep sigh and just dropped the phone back to the kitchen table.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to talk to Josh, he did! He really did! They hadn’t spoken in the longest time because Josh was currently studying abroad in America but Josh had been gone for eight months, two months before Niall found out he had terminal cancer…and he didn’t know.

Niall glanced up at the clock on the stove to see what time it would be where Josh was and, with a bit of calculation, he realized that it was ridiculously early in the morning so Josh must be expecting a phone call from Niall relatively quickly. But Niall wasn’t ready to call him back. He couldn’t really explain why; he just couldn’t speak to Josh.

Harry had popped over in the morning to cook Niall breakfast because he had a day off and they hadn’t seen each other since they went to the island with Zayn two weeks ago so, when he glanced at the clock, Niall had inadvertently caught Harry’s eyes as Harry glanced over his shoulder to check up on Niall. Niall quickly averted his eyes but that only seemed to concern Harry even more and he turned away from the eggs he was currently cooking.

“What’s wrong, Niall?” Harry asked but Niall didn’t reply yet. He simply tugged the grey beanie he was sporting lower on his balding head self consciously before he finally glanced up.

“N-nothing…” Niall mumbled, scratching at his eye lightly before he shook his head. “Nothing at all.”

“Are you sure? I mean, we can talk about it…about anything.” Harry turned back to the eggs and quickly grabbed the pan as the eggs were starting to brown. He also grabbed the spatula and forked off half of the eggs onto Niall’s plate and the rest onto his own, shoving the two dirty dishes over by the sink.

Niall pushed his eggs around the plate emptily as Harry sat across the table from him but he looked up once he felt eyes burrowing their way into his forehead. Harry was still watching him warily and Niall shot him a pleading look, begging him to drop it with his eyes but harry was persistent so Niall sighed.

“He…he doesn’t know…” Niall mumbled, poking his fork into his lip anxiously before he just rested it against his plate. “It was Josh… on m’phone… but he doesn’t know…” When Niall saw Harry’s confused expression, he gestured at his covered head and that was enough for Harry to put the dots together.

“You haven’t told him?!” Harry exclaimed, gaping at Niall with wide eyes. “Niall, you can’t… He deserves to know!” Harry darted out a hand to reach for Niall’s phone but Niall was just the slightest bit faster because it was closer to him.

“I can’t.” Niall sobbed, grabbing the scruff of his jumper to hike it up and cover his trembling lips. “I can’t do that to him.” The phone in Niall’s hand vibrated again and Niall jumped, dropping it to the table but Harry didn’t reach for it like he had before.

“At least see what he has to say, Niall.” Harry gestured to the phone empathetically but Niall shook his head, nudging the phone across the table.

“I…” He started in a weak voice but he just shook his head, working his bottom lip between his teeth. A low whine snuck its way from deep in his throat and he dropped his eyes back to the table.

Harry held still for a moment before he reached across the table and he grabbed Niall’s phone lightly, sliding his thumb across the screen to wake it up. Niall watched him as Harry scanned through the messages, eyes widening with every passing second, face paling with every word he read.

“Niall,” Harry whispered in a hoarse voice, clapping a hand to his lips. “You have to tell him now…because he’s coming back and he will be here in a week.” Niall gasped and snatched his phone from Harry, hoping and begging that Harry had been wrong but Josh’s most recent message was everything that Harry had said.

Hey, Ni, I guess you’re still sleeping. I really wanted to tell you but I guess I’ll just text ya! My program’s finished today and I’m headed home! I’m aiming to be back on Friday so come see me at the airport? Love you and I miss you and I can’t wait to see you xx

Niall looked back up at Harry and choked on a whimper, tucking his knobbly knees up against his chest as he wrapped his arms around his legs. “Oh god,”

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