Honey, I'm Home! [Narry] 1

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Niall turns from the stove, hooks the spatula on the edge of the frying pan before he looks at Harry. "Did you buy the-," He starts but Harry cuts him off without looking up from his book.

"Yeah, I did." He says, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. 

"Okay, well, did you-," Niall tries again but, again, Harry cuts him off. 

"Yes, I did the rest of the laundry. Yes, I folded the clothes. Yes, I cut the grass. Yes, I made the bed. Yes, I dusted the living room." Harry looks up from his book to stare at Niall blankly. "That about cover it?" 

Niall winces a little and turns away, shoves the stir fry around the pan so that it doesn't burn before he turns off the stove top, leaning against the counter. He watches Harry solemnly before he makes a split second decision.

He crosses the kitchen so that he stands right beside Harry and Harry looks up, starts to speak, but Niall cuts him off by lacing a hand in the back of Harry's hair and holding him still, ducking down so he can press a bruising kiss to his lips. 

Harry gasps shortly, reaching out a hand to touch at Niall's hip as he tries to keep up but he still leans up when Niall pulls away, chasing after his lips. "What was that for?" Harry asks when he can finally open his eyes. 

Niall shrugs and pinches his bottom lip lightly. "We're just so... We don't do anything fun anymore. We just..."

Harry sighs and ducks his head a little. "I know... I... You're always busy. I'm always busy."

Niall reaches out a hand cautiously, gliding the tips of his fingers against Harry's skin before he cups his cheek. "We're not busy right now." 

A.N.: I don't know why I wrote grumpy narry... 

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