Matai: *clenches fists* Shut up.

Tony: *smiles through tears* But, you know what, I got a lot more money from the guys that wanted to touch her. So I...

*Reggie knees Tony in the face, knocking some of his teeth out or in his gums. Tony dropped his head and spit the blood and teeth shards*

Tony: So I let them. 3000 per hour. *spits out more blood* That's a lot for someone you can't fuck. And I made sure to tell them that. Well, *scratches stubble* I only said nothing hymen breaking so that left out her mou...

*Matai yelled in anger as he smashed his fist into Tony's face over and over and over before Reggie grabbed him and pulled him off. Tony nose was completely broken in and his right socket was broken. Jessamine started squirming and feeling the need to vomit as Tony pushed his eye back and tilted his head back so his eye doesn't come back out*

Reggie: *holding Matai* Stop!

Matai: *fighting Reggie* LET ME GO REGGIE!!!

Reggie: Stop!

Matai: *scratches at Reggie's arms* NO!!! *glares at Tony* I'M STOPPING UNTIL THAT BASTARD IS D...

*Reggie picks Matai up and throws him down on his back. Matai looked at Reggie in shock as a sudden dark energy seems to come off him*

Reggie: I SAID STOP!!!

*Matai said nothing. Though he was the leader and quite a bit older than him, Matai feared Reggie when he was angry. Hell, he's scared to yell at him too much because of his effy temper. Reggie takes Matai's silence as an act of submission and turns to Tony, who was still smiling*

Tony: Ah. You wanna hear the re...


*Reggie threw his knife between Bray and Tony and it went into the wall, all the way to the handle. Bray, Tony, and almost everyone in the basement jumped and looked at Reggie in fear. Reggie walked over to Tony and knelt down*

Reggie: Now...skip da bullshit...and get to da names.

Tony: ...*smiles* Okay. But might need to have someone stand at the stairs to make sure no one tries to escape. *looks around* Ummmmm...*looks at Reggie* You.

*Reggie scowls at Tony and looks back*

Reggie: .....Darius.

*The man in front of Jessamine jumped*

Man: Huh? Oh! Oh. Okay.

*Darius starts to move with Jessamine close behind him but Tony shouts*

Tony: Nah nah nah. Let Darius stay. Get ummmm Mike. Mike!

*A big, burly guy came to the front, looking at Jessamine as he passed Darius. He looked at Reggie and started to open his mouth but Reggie quickly shook his head so he stayed quiet*

Reggie: Go guad' da door.

*Mike nodded and walked to the back, standing on the last step. Reggie looks back at Tony and pulls the knife out the wall*

Reggie: Now, *twirls knife* every time you piss me off or go off topic, I'm cutting off body parts.

*Tony gulped*

Tony: W...Well...let's see...after a while, maybe a month, I started seeing familiar faces. Then I realized I knew from here. And there looooots of them. Liiike... Ricky... Malcolm... Deshawn... Denzel... Franci...

?: NO!!! LET ME GO!!!

*Everyone looked back. A bunch of guys were being held still and one of them was putting up a hell of a fight*

Reggie: *turns back to Tony* Don't mind him. Now name the rest.

Tony: Ummm...hmmm...Manny... Derrick... Jerome... Eric... Aaron... George... Caaaaaaarl... annnnnnd.... Huh. I cant remem... Ah! Darius.

*Jessamine blood ran cold as men grabbed the man she was holding onto. Reggie looked at Tony in confusion and looked back at Darius and looked at Jessamine briefly*

Matai: *looks at Darius and Tony and pops up* WHAT?!?!?!

Reggie: *holds out hand* Wait a minute Simba. I think there' sumthin' wron' here.

Matai: *glares into the crowd* BRING THEM UP!!!

*A scuffle was heard in the back. Men were yelling and fighting trying to stop the others from dragging them to the front but there were too many of them. Darius simply walks to the front and Jessamine clings onto him but men grabbed her and pushed her back, holding her still. Matai marches up to him and grabs Darius by his collar and yanks him up to his face*

Darius: Simba... He's telling what he thinks happened. But I never tou...

*Matai punches him in the face. He stumbles back and falls into the crowd. Instead of holding him up, they shoved him back into Matai, who punches him again. Reggie winces as Darius drops to the ground with a thud. Jessamine silently screams because the men around her had her mouth covered and were holding her back of helping Darius. Matai stomped on Darius' back and kicks him in the side*

Darius: *grabs Matai* W...Wait. Si...Simba it's n....

*Matai starts struggling to yank his leg loose but Darius yanks his other leg from under him and holds him down*


*Matai's glare intensified as Darius laid on top of him. But, given that he can't move, he stops struggling and listens*

Darius: Thank you. *sighs and sits up* Me, Jerome, and Francis were talking in the gym one day when  Eric came in excited as hell and yelling about how there's something that we needed to see. I asked what it was, he didn't say. Francis asked was it illegal, he didn't say anything. Jerome asked if it was a new weed, and Eric just blew up and said it was important and when we went the smell was awful but that didn't really bother me. It was when...when we saw all those girls....

*A loud rumble was heard and Darius covered his mouth and heaved. Matai scrambled from under him and got away. Darius quickly swallows the bile built up in the back of his throat and continued*

Darius: It made me sick. I don't know why but it just did. Then...I heard him...

P.S. Ya might wanna reread the last few chapters to see what I'm about to do.

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