Chapter 70

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| Seventy |
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Liam brought me inside and placed me on the couch in his house he shares with Louis.

"Ariana, are you ok?" Liam says softly. "You're shaking."

I nod.

I'm still filled with shock at what had happened. I touch my cheek gently to still feel the same burning sensation.

Liam brings out a first aid kit and a few cloths with water. Walking over, he helps me clean up and I hold a cold cloth over my head where I bumped it as I fell.

"Where's Harry?" I ask quietly.

"He's gone, but it doesn't matter right now. What has happened?"

I look away, avoiding Liam's gaze.

"It's my partly my fault Liam." I say.

"Ari, this is in no way your fault."

"I know but... I–I didn't know what I was doing, what was happening. The room was spinning, I kissed another guy..." I whisper.

"What?" Liam's lips part and his eyes widen slightly.

"I thought it was Harry, my vision wasn't clear, I didn't bother to check..." I say.

Liam nods, signalling for me to carry on.

"I got pushed away, Harry pulled the guy outside and..." I look up at Liam and he looks down, knowing exactly what I meant. "It was frightening. I didn't understand why Harry was doing this until he told me what I had done. It wasn't Harry. Of course, he got angry, I mean really—"

"I know," Liam interrupts. "I have seen it."

"Liam... it frightened me. I've never seen that before."

"Yeah, I understand. Harry... struggles, if that's the a way of saying it, with his anger." Liam says, scratching the back of his neck. "What happened then? He hurt you?"

I look away, nodding. "I fell back."

"Look, I know Harry didn't mean it." Liam says. "In no way am I excusing his behaviour, I do not condone what has occurred."

"I know," I bite my lip. "But that frightened me so much Liam,"

"I know... I understand. I remember the first saw I him like that... when we were younger. I know he doesn't mean to hurt anyone. And I haven't seen him act violent for a while. He has been working on himself, for you especially. He's just... damaged, Ari. He's been through a lot. Defending himself is all he knows. It just fucks him up when he get's close to someone. You're the first girl I've ever seen him genuinely love, it's crazy. Unfortunately he's freaked out and reacted in such an appalling way."

He pauses.

"Again, I am in no way excusing what he did. It's fucked up. He's fucked up. But whilst that's no normal way to act, he's not had a normal childhood. I genuinely do believe this was an regrettable mistake on his part... and I'd hope to say he would never do that again. But he has to deal with the consequences now."

I nod and look down.

"What are you thinking right now about all this... about him?"

I pause.

Was this it? After all, what he did was disgusting, I would never expect Harry to do that to me.

"I don't know right now."

Harry never let me explain. This could all happen again.

But... I knew he didn't mean it, at least I wanted to believe that. I love him and I always will. I understand that people say his growing up has had such a traumatic effect on Harry. But that still isn't an excuse for his behaviour, it only explains his behaviour. He needs to talk to me about his pain, he needs to get help for himself if he is struggling. Otherwise, things like this happen, irreversible mistakes.

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