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~”Taemin! MORE ICECREAM!” shouted Zephyrine who is hungrily swallowing a spoonful of chocolate ice-cream, Taemin already had a spare cup in his hand gave it to his wife immediately, pregnant women get angry easily and he doesn’t want  her giving him the cold shoulder.

“Yes Zephy, here ya go!” Taemin scooped a small portion and aimed to feed Zephyrine but his wife only looked at him, “You’re only going to feed me that?” Zephyrine asked referring to the small scoop of ice-cream.

“Hey take it easy or the baby will get fat!” Taemin glared at Zephyrine teasingly.

“No he won’t! Now give me that ice-cream!” Zephyrine tried grabbing the cup of heaven in Taemin’s hand but she failed.

“This is your last cup okay?”


“Control your diet Zephy…”


“You’re already screaming!”

“Geez Taemin give her the cup already or she’ll explode! She’s such a pig for ice-cream isn’t she?” Onew suddenly popped in between the couple carrying his first born in his hands, the baby giggled seeing Zephyrine.

“Oh little Jeongmin is here aww, come to aunty!” Zephyrine forgot about the ice-cream and carried Onew’s one year old son.

“Aunty is going to eat you! NOO!” Onew teased and Zephyrine glared at him.

“Shut it Onew, or what you said will come true!” Zephyrine gritted her teeth and Onew widened his eyes.

“Hey don’t eat my baby!” Onew warned but Zephyrine only stuck her tongue out at him and went somewhere else with Onew’s baby.

“Oh good distraction hyung…” Taemin sighed, feeling relieved that Zephyrine finally stopped eating ice-cream and played with her nephew.

“What do you mean good distraction? She’ll eat my baby!” Onew whined but Taemin only raised an eyebrow at him.

“You know she’s kidding hyung, plus it’s really a blessing you got a son to distract my wife hehe!”

“What the hell Taemin? Anyways, isn’t she due this month? When will the baby come out?”

“Tsk I think it’s stuck in there…I bet the baby went fat because of her eating habits, it’s either that or the baby wants to stay more because of the ice-cream…”

The two brothers stared at each other and laughed, they were in the peaceful garden near the castle, the loving home of their clan. It was a sunny day and the bright rays of the sun complimented with the bright smiles of the beings in the garden. Taemin and Onew were sitting together in a bench enjoying the fresh air, when suddenly two tiny hands pulled their hair, the brothers screamed in both surprise and pain then glared at the culprit.

“Heh-woaw uncles!” greeted a two year old boy, who has a lollipop in his mouth and was smiling widely at them. He waved facing Taemin then Onew, looking oh so innocent.

“Now, now Byunghun…apologize to your uncles…” came a gentle voice, Myungsoo suddenly appeared out of nowhere and ruffled the hair of his two year old son.

“But appa…” Byunghun pouted and began to fidget.

“What did appa tell you about pulling people’s hair?” Myungsoo asked then Byunghun’s eyebrows furrowed, the kid sure has hair fetish and Myungsoo don’t know which side he got that from, Janii sure didn’t love hair that much.

Novus Ferus: Lost memories (sequel)Where stories live. Discover now