Chapter 2: Dwelling in the past

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~After a tiring class, Zephyrine went home alone dragging her feet on the streets, she’s tired and a little heartbroken, seeing Taemin again made her heart jumped but knowing he had a fiancé…it seems that the world came crashing down on her. She arrived at their apartment and opened the door, darkness welcomed her.

“What the—the power is out? That’s not right; the lights in the hallways are on…aish! Myungsoo forgot to switch them on before leaving!” she tried looking for the switch but slipped on a rug, luckily, someone caught her just in time.

“Surprising you this way is not such a good idea!” Myungsoo made her stand up, grabbed her hand and led her towards the kitchen, the only light she saw were the glowing candles on the dining table, and the scent of her favorite food as well, Myungsoo prepared a candlelight dinner for the two of them, he tried his best to cook a delicious meal for her.

“Whoah…what’s up with you? You really put an effort for this huh? Wait…what are you wearing?” Zephyrine’s eyes wandered on the table setting and onto Myungsoo, he was wearing a formal suit, something that is quite good on him, and even though its dark, Zephyrine could tell he is very handsome in it.

“Oh this? Oh its nothing, we celebrated the birthday of our manager at work earlier this morning and we have to wear something formal, I just got home two hours ago and prepared this, do you like it? I prepared beef steak for us; I know you’re such a carnivore!” Myungsoo pulled the chair for her to sit, with a gesture like a gentleman.

Zephyrine knows he lied, she has never seen that suit before and she bets it’s brand new; she ignored the idea and just put some steak and rice on her plate, so did Myungsoo. Both of them ate dinner, Myungsoo can tell Zephyrine likes the meal he prepared for her but he senses that there is something wrong, there’s a glint of sadness in Zephyrine’s eyes that he cannot explain, and when she catches him looking at her she quickly fakes a smile. Myungsoo even baked a chocolate cake for dessert bought some good wine but despite the meal that she enjoyed eating, she didn’t look that quite happy at all like something is bothering her.

Zephyrine was playing with the small piece of cake left in her plate, Myungsoo couldn’t take it anymore and decided to know what’s wrong.

“Yah…are you okay? You look so down; school is too stressful for you today?” Myungsoo asked with a caring tone, Zephyrine didn’t look at him straight in the eye and just shook her head.

“Oh come on, tell me whatever it is that is bothering you Zeph. I want to help you whenever I can, it doesn’t feel right seeing you like that, and what is it? Homework? Money? Someone bullying you or something? Seen a ghost lately?”

Zephyrine gave a faint smile on the last part of what he said, a ghost…a ghost from her past. She sighed heavily knowing that Myungsoo could try convincing her all night just for her to spill the thing that she needs to spill, so she gave in.

“I saw Taemin today…his my classmate in most of my subjects…oh and Yunho too, his my teacher in P.E” Zephyrine said with a low voice, but even so Myungsoo heard it very clear and choked on the cake that he was eating, it took him awhile to clear his throat.

“W-what? Taemin? Here? HOW? So did you two talk?”

“Uhmm, yeah…but of course he doesn’t know me. He transferred here and Yunho works in the university now, I don’t know who else is here but…now I know how it feels, I didn’t mind it before but the pain just sinks in right now! I can’t believe it…after two years I finally saw his face, and it doesn’t feel good knowing he has a fiancé!”

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