Chapter 8:Unexpected

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~The day had been a surprise to everyone, hidden feelings immerged and some stayed hidden. Dinner time arrived in the castle of the Ferus and the dining hall sprung into life, the King, Taemin, Krystal, Onew, Yunho and even Changmin were there to eat. Everyone is enjoying their meal but it seems Taemin’s thoughts are not on his food but something else.

Taemin’s story:

I couldn’t believe it, Myungsoo and Zephyrine…together? What a surprise indeed, my long lost cousin and the girl I almost made out with…together, what a pair…

I couldn’t be jealous, I mean…I have Krystal and she’s my mate, she’s pretty, intelligent, and a girl any guy would want so why am I feeling this sinking feeling?

That weird feeling when I saw them kissed? I tried to ignore it but it kept coming back…

“Taemin are you okay? You’re not touching your food…” Krystal looked at me searching, I’m guessing she did not find the Taemin that she wants to find, and I replied a happy yes to her and picked up a fork and stabbed it on the hot beef steak on my plate…

This shouldn’t even bother me, but why is it that it nags me so much?

I couldn’t be, shouldn’t be and wouldn’t be JEALOUS! I screamed that on my head over and over, “Taemin can you give me a glass of water please?” I heard Krystal’s request so I got the pitcher and poured some on the glass…

That day in the clinic, our lips kissed and felt each other’s warmness…was that true? If I didn’t remember Krystal that day what could have happened? I—

“AAH!!” Krystal shouted and stood up from her seat that was when I realized that I have poured too much water on the glass and spilled a lot too, but the water trailed unto Krystal’s direction and spilled on her skirt.

Damn! I’m such a screw-up!

“I—I’m Sorry Krys!” I tried wiping the water on her skirt but she backed away and glared at me angrily, then she walked out of the dining hall.

“I believe there is more than just spilled water that caused her anger, so better fix it…” the King said as he munched his food, father knows best, so I went after her in her room.

She had changed her skirt and her angry aura unsettled me, “I’m sorry it was an accident…” I put a hand on her shoulder and she slapped it away, shit that hurts!

“You’ve been acting weird since that encounter in the restaurant, is this what it’s all about huh? You’ve been so disoriented and distracted! What the hell is wrong with you? Is it about Zephyrine and Myungsoo kissing?”

She screamed at me and I almost thought she read my mind, “That’s not it Krys! It was just an accident!” I tried to defend myself but she slapped me hard on the cheek.

“Tell me Taemin do you like her?”

“What do you mean? I only like her as a friend nothing else!”

“Liar! You didn’t think I’d notice do you? The moment they kissed you had that down expression and quickly masked it with a happy face, I saw that Taemin! Do you like her? Tell the truth!”

“You’re my mate Krystal; you know I’m committed to you…”

After hearing that she sobbed endlessly, I comforted and embraced her, she managed to calm down, “I love you Taemin…” her words stroke me, “I love you too Krys…” I replied kissing her forehead.

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