Chapter 59

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~Amber is beside the hospital bed where Key lays unconscious, Jonghyun was able to teleport his brother as quick as he can to the nearest hospital thus allowing Key to buy some time to be alive. The heart monitor was steady and slow, unlike the tears that had run down Amber’s cheeks, they were lucky to have Key alive but he wouldn’t be waking up for a long time, the doctor had announced him to be in a state of coma, there is no telling when he shall open his eyes and see the world again. He was in poor shape, bandages all over his body almost ruining his handsome features, he looked lifeless and that thought alone scared Amber. Jonghyun put his hand on Amber’s shoulder, not long ago he was mourning because of the death of his mate and now here comes his best friend crying towards hers.

Amber didn’t feel the warm hand that had made its way on her shoulder until Jonghyun gave her a squeeze, she looked up at him with tearful eyes and that gave a pang in Jonghyun’s heart.

“Let’s get some air…” Jonghyun suggested, he just knows that Amber wouldn’t stop crying if she sees Key in that state and so they have to leave the room.

“No, Key needs me here…” Amber protested almost choking her words because of her cries.

“Amber…” Jonghyun sighed and took Amber’s hand, she left him no choice but to teleport her out of there and in a matter of seconds their hair was being blown off as their legs landed on the hospital’s rooftop. Amber swatted Jonghyun’s hand away and glared at him with hateful eyes, the poor boy was confused why she did that.

“Bring me back to him Jonghyun! BRING ME BACK!” she shouted hitting Jonghyun’s chest a couple of times until Jonghyun grabbed her hands.

“Amber calm down…” Jonghyun tried soothing her but the girl wouldn’t give up.

“Shut up! Bring me back to him this instant! He will wake up and I should be there beside him!” Amber shouted again and Jonghyun felt hurt this time, he pulled her into a tight hug making her head rest on his heaving chest.

“Ssh…calm down. He’s not dead Amber, there is still hope, so don’t cry, it’s sad for me that he is in this state too but I want you to stay strong for me and Key. If he sees you like this you think he will be happy?” Jonghyun was caressing her hair and she finally managed to stop hitting Jonghyun, but she cried even more.

“Jong it’s so unfair! Why do these things happen? It’s fucking unfair!” Amber hugged Jonghyun back, clenching her fists as she did.

“You’re lucky you didn’t lose him Amber, so be at least thankful for that…if you don’t stop crying he won’t wake up!” Jonghyun teased but he earned a death glare from Amber.

“DON’T SAY THAT!” Amber pulled away from him and punched his chest, Jonghyun yelped…that was too hard, he thought as he staggered back cringing, he looked up at her and found her pouting, he guessed his little joke worked after all.

“Ok, ok! Just don’t cry anymore okay? While he’s asleep…I’ll be here to protect you…” Jonghyun grabbed her shoulders and pulled her close once again, he leaned closer to her and kissed her forehead. “You’re not alone Amber…”

~”No…” Junho choked as he crawled on the ground trying to reach for Taeyon, if he could get his hands on her she will rip her flesh as soon as possible, the dagger was still plunged in his stomach making it impossible for him to heal the deep wound. As if the dagger had venom in it that burned his insides, his body is losing its power but his mind wouldn’t take defeat, he wouldn’t want to fail Chunji, his master. He gathered up all his strength even though his vision started to blur, “You bitch!” he hissed as he successfully grabbed Taeyon’s leg that shook horribly at his burning touch, Taeyon winced in pain.

Novus Ferus: Lost memories (sequel)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora